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Economic disaster for Blacks, Obama is not being their savior

The horrific numbers don't lie. "Entire neighborhoods" of African Americans "have been destroyed by high numbers of foreclosures, which effect not only homeowners, but also renters who are made homeless." Yet President Obama offers nothing - nothing! - in terms of programs specifically designed to ameliorate Black America's disproportionate pain. "This is the day of reckoning for the black citizens of this nation, who must soon decide if they will voice their grievances or silence and diminish themselves for the sake of a man who cares so little about them

“Entire neighborhoods have been destroyed by high numbers of foreclosures.”

There is now no place of refuge from the actions of rapacious banksters who stole trillions of dollars from the public. New York City was never a real estate bubble hot spot in the way that Florida and California were. Yet like a contagious disease, the foreclosure crisis …
(L’articolo è disponibile previo sostegno)


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