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Articoli / Traduzioni
Au lendemain du cessez-le-feu, quatre Gazaouis joints au téléphone par Le Monde.fr témoignent.
"Traverser Gaza est devenu très difficile, les routes sont détruites"
Salma Ahmed, professeur de...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Au lendemain du cessez-le-feu, quatre Gazaouis joints au téléphone par Le Monde.fr témoignent.
"Traverser Gaza est devenu très difficile, les routes sont détruites"
Salma Ahmed, professeur de...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
When Thomas Jefferson was inaugurated, he sought to dismantle the evolving Federalist tradition of pomp and circumstance. In a ceremonial sense, royalism seemed to have been restored, or so it appeared to him. As this blogger put it, "Dressed...
Articoli / Traduzioni
When Thomas Jefferson was inaugurated, he sought to dismantle the evolving Federalist tradition of pomp and circumstance. In a ceremonial sense, royalism seemed to have been restored, or so it appeared to him. As this blogger put it, "Dressed...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
When Thomas Jefferson was inaugurated, he sought to dismantle the evolving Federalist tradition of pomp and circumstance. In a ceremonial sense, royalism seemed to have been restored, or so it appeared to him. As this blogger put it, "Dressed...
Articoli / FREE
In queste ore nelle strade di Gaza ci sono decine di cadaveri in
putrefazione, che non possono essere raccolti perchè cecchini
israeliani sparano su chi si avvicina. Ci sono feriti e agonizzanti in
case e quartieri, che...
Articoli / FREE
La prima vera e urgente carità – nel loro interesse – è esigere che i malati ebrei rispondano di questi crimini, che vengano processati e puniti. E coloro che li giustificano, siano il rabbino Di Segni o Pacifici o Fini o Napolitano,...
Articoli / FREE
La prima vera e urgente carità – nel loro interesse – è esigere che i malati ebrei rispondano di questi crimini, che vengano processati e puniti. E coloro che li giustificano, siano il rabbino Di Segni o Pacifici o Fini o Napolitano,...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Why does Israel have a right to exist, but Palestine doesn’t?
This is the question of our time.
For sixty years Israelis have been stealing Palestine from Palestinians. There are maps available on the Internet and in Israeli...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Why does Israel have a right to exist, but Palestine doesn’t?
This is the question of our time.
For sixty years Israelis have been stealing Palestine from Palestinians. There are maps available on the Internet and in Israeli...
Articoli / Traduzioni
Why does Israel have a right to exist, but Palestine doesn’t?
This is the question of our time.
For sixty years Israelis have been stealing Palestine from Palestinians. There are maps available on the Internet and in Israeli...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Air Force officials officially stood up a provisional Global Strike Command Jan. 12 at Bolling Air Force Base, D.C.
The provisional command will be temporarily located at the Washington, D.C., base with supporting...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Air Force officials officially stood up a provisional Global Strike Command Jan. 12 at Bolling Air Force Base, D.C.
The provisional command will be temporarily located at the Washington, D.C., base with supporting...
Articoli / Traduzioni
WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Air Force officials officially stood up a provisional Global Strike Command Jan. 12 at Bolling Air Force Base, D.C.
The provisional command will be temporarily located at the Washington, D.C., base with supporting...
Articoli / FREE
La Homeland Security è
totalmente in mano a Israele. E gli specialisti in «attentati islamici» sono
già in pre-allarme. Gli arabi in questi giorni passano per vittime di Israele e
questa immagine va ridimensionata....
Articoli / FREE
Ankara dimostra una
indipendenza di giudizio politico introvabile nei nostri euro-politici. Dichiarazioni di fuoco del premier Erdogan contro Israele che gettano un ombra sul
futuro d'instabilità della regione a più vasto raggio...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
I know from personal involvement that the devastating invasion of Gaza by Israel could easily have been avoided.
After visiting Sderot last April and seeing the serious psychological damage caused by the rockets that had fallen in that area,...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
I know from personal involvement that the devastating invasion of Gaza by Israel could easily have been avoided.
After visiting Sderot last April and seeing the serious psychological damage caused by the rockets that had fallen in that area,...
Articoli / Traduzioni
I know from personal involvement that the devastating invasion of Gaza by Israel could easily have been avoided.
After visiting Sderot last April and seeing the serious psychological damage caused by the rockets that had fallen in that area,...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
NEW YORK - It's the latest story that touched, and betrayed, the world.
"Herman Rosenblat and his wife are the most gentle, loving, beautiful people," literary agent Andrea Hurst said Sunday, anguishing over why she, and so many...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
NEW YORK - It's the latest story that touched, and betrayed, the world.
"Herman Rosenblat and his wife are the most gentle, loving, beautiful people," literary agent Andrea Hurst said Sunday, anguishing over why she, and so many...
Articoli / Traduzioni
NEW YORK - It's the latest story that touched, and betrayed, the world.
"Herman Rosenblat and his wife are the most gentle, loving, beautiful people," literary agent Andrea Hurst said Sunday, anguishing over why she, and so many...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Police and demonstrators continued to battle on the streets of Athens last weekend despite revelations that the death of 15-year-old student Alexandros Grigoropoulos earlier in the month was caused by a deflected bullet rather than a direct shot.
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Police and demonstrators continued to battle on the streets of Athens last weekend despite revelations that the death of 15-year-old student Alexandros Grigoropoulos earlier in the month was caused by a deflected bullet rather than a direct shot.
Articoli / Traduzioni
Police and demonstrators continued to battle on the streets of Athens last weekend despite revelations that the death of 15-year-old student Alexandros Grigoropoulos earlier in the month was caused by a deflected bullet rather than a direct shot.
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Tuesday that his country will never recognize Israel and is ready to hold talks with those urging an end to Israeli crimes, occupation, aggression, ideology and Zionism. "Whoever is to talk with the...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Tuesday that his country will never recognize Israel and is ready to hold talks with those urging an end to Israeli crimes, occupation, aggression, ideology and Zionism. "Whoever is to talk with the...
Articoli / Traduzioni
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Tuesday that his country will never recognize Israel and is ready to hold talks with those urging an end to Israeli crimes, occupation, aggression, ideology and Zionism. "Whoever is to talk with the...
Articoli / FREE
Nei prossimi mesi rinascerà
«er fascismo», naturalmemte in versione di farsa: un’alleanza fra Bossi e Di
Pietro, in nome della rozzezza, volgarità, furberia – e del «federalismo»,
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
In Afghanistan gli americani riforniscono le loro truppe con lanci di paracadute. Troppo pericoloso rifornirli per via di terra.
U.S. forces have sharply increased the number of airdrop supply missions in Afghanistan in the past three years, as...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
In Afghanistan gli americani riforniscono le loro truppe con lanci di paracadute. Troppo pericoloso rifornirli per via di terra.
U.S. forces have sharply increased the number of airdrop supply missions in Afghanistan in the past three years, as...
Articoli / Traduzioni
In Afghanistan gli americani riforniscono le loro truppe con lanci di paracadute. Troppo pericoloso rifornirli per via di terra.
U.S. forces have sharply increased the number of airdrop supply missions in Afghanistan in the past three years, as...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Footage filmed by Jamal Abu-Sa'ifan, a Palestinian resident of Hebron, documenting a terrorist Israeli settler shooting two members of his family.
The event occurs following the eviction settlers from a Palestinian house they occupied in...
Articoli / Traduzioni
Footage filmed by Jamal Abu-Sa'ifan, a Palestinian resident of Hebron, documenting a terrorist Israeli settler shooting two members of his family.
The event occurs following the eviction settlers from a Palestinian house they occupied in...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Footage filmed by Jamal Abu-Sa'ifan, a Palestinian resident of Hebron, documenting a terrorist Israeli settler shooting two members of his family.
The event occurs following the eviction settlers from a Palestinian house they occupied in...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
An innocent Palestinian family, numbering close to 20 people. All of them women and children, save for three men. Surrounding them are a few dozen masked Jews seeking to lynch them. A pogrom. This isn't a play on words or a double meaning. It is a...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
An innocent Palestinian family, numbering close to 20 people. All of them women and children, save for three men. Surrounding them are a few dozen masked Jews seeking to lynch them. A pogrom. This isn't a play on words or a double meaning. It is a...
Articoli / Traduzioni
An innocent Palestinian family, numbering close to 20 people. All of them women and children, save for three men. Surrounding them are a few dozen masked Jews seeking to lynch them. A pogrom. This isn't a play on words or a double meaning. It is a...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
It’s one of the perils of the arms trade which humiliates governments and outrages anti-war activists. A political nightmare, and potential humanitarian one, where a country sells weapons to an ally - later to find those same arms being used...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
It’s one of the perils of the arms trade which humiliates governments and outrages anti-war activists. A political nightmare, and potential humanitarian one, where a country sells weapons to an ally - later to find those same arms being used...
Articoli / Traduzioni
It’s one of the perils of the arms trade which humiliates governments and outrages anti-war activists. A political nightmare, and potential humanitarian one, where a country sells weapons to an ally - later to find those same arms being used...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Mumbai based group of intellectuals and human rights activists
The Mumbai based group alleged that Al-Qaeda is a front organization of CIA and MOSSAD. "There is enough evidence that the Al-Qaeda is a front organization of the CIA and...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Mumbai based group of intellectuals and human rights activists
The Mumbai based group alleged that Al-Qaeda is a front organization of CIA and MOSSAD. "There is enough evidence that the Al-Qaeda is a front organization of the CIA and...
Articoli / Traduzioni
Mumbai based group of intellectuals and human rights activists
The Mumbai based group alleged that Al-Qaeda is a front organization of CIA and MOSSAD. "There is enough evidence that the Al-Qaeda is a front organization of the CIA and...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Shops and businesses are closing down across the U.S. as the global recession deepens. Unemployment is rising and ordinary Americans are making financial sacrifices to stay afloat. This often means cutting down on life’s luxuries, like eating...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Shops and businesses are closing down across the U.S. as the global recession deepens. Unemployment is rising and ordinary Americans are making financial sacrifices to stay afloat. This often means cutting down on life’s luxuries, like eating...
Articoli / Traduzioni
Shops and businesses are closing down across the U.S. as the global recession deepens. Unemployment is rising and ordinary Americans are making financial sacrifices to stay afloat. This often means cutting down on life’s luxuries, like eating...
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