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17/05/2008 | 856 visite
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
NEW YORK: "Israele, giusto o sbagliato, " dovrebbe almeno una volta tener conto dell'atteggiamento del Giudei Americani verso lo stato di Israele stesso. Ma, man mano che si avvicina il suo 60° anniversario, aumenta nella...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
JERUSALEM: The United States and Israel agree on the need for "tangible action" to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's spokesman said after a visit by U.
S. President George W. Bush.
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
16/05/2008 | 1182 visite
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Il pentagono ha deciso di dotarsi di un' unita' speciale
capace di distruggere simultaneamente l'insieme dei siti internet dei suoi
avversari in caso di conflitto.
La << guerra delle reti >> (network
warfare) e' di pertinenza...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
U.S. and Israel furious with Switzerland over Iran gas deal, Swiss opposition to Israeli treatment of Palestinian
Threatening to capsize a $2.1 billion injection into the European economy and making hundreds of thousands of people fear for...
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Le Pentagone a décidé de se doter d’une unité spécialisée capables de détruire soudainement l’ensemble des sites internet de ses adversaires en cas de conflit.
La « guerre des...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Stanno tutti aspettando. In Israele, stanno aspettando la fine delle celebrazioni per il 60° anniversario e che il Presidente Bush compia la sua visita e se ne ritorni a casa. Poi, dicono, l'IDF [ Israel Defence Forces, l'esercito, ndt ],...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
15/05/2008 | 4992 visite
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
DAMADOLA, May 15 (Reuters): Angry residents of a village on the Afghan border stopped government officials on Thursday from approaching the ruins of a house struck by two missiles suspected to have been fired by a U.S. drone.
The missiles,...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Sei decenni fa, mio padre ha combattuto a fianco di Menachem Begin per l'indipendenza di Israele. Se gli aveste detto che dopo di allora, i politici dell'ultima superpotenza al mondo si sarebbero messi un giorno a far carte false per mostrare chi...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Shortage of water for drinking, irrigation in what was once Iraq’s agriculturally rich province
BAQUBA, Iraq: Water supply is drying out in what was once the agriculturally rich Diyala province north of Baghdad. Baquba, the capital city...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
The people of Camden, Ala., pay a bigger chunk of their income for fuel than anyone else in the country - meaning tough choices for the ever thinner family budget
CAMDEN, Ala. -- Corey Carter spends a quarter of his paycheck on gas. The 30-year...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
12/05/2008 | 1672 visite
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Not enough therapists to treat all US soldiers returning from Iraq with traumatizing experience
Fort Drum, a bleak US Army base in upstate New York, is a test case for how the military is handling a looming mental health crisis.
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
11/05/2008 | 2319 visite
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
550 patients in 40 Palestinian ambulances, five trucks to finally get treatment in Egypt
RAFAH, Gaza Strip - Egypt opened the Rafah border crossing with the besiged Gaza Strip on Saturday to allow hundreds of Palestinians to leave the...
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Il 17 febbraio 1945 Israel Zolli, Rabbino Capo di Roma, e sua moglie sono stati battezzati nella basilica di S. Maria degli Angeli da Mons. Luigi Traglia. Zolli è stato Rabbino Capo di Trieste per 25 anni prima di venire a Roma. I suoi...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Pro-government television station forced off the air
BEIRUT — Hezbollah gunmen have seized nearly all of the Lebanese capital's Muslim sector from forces loyal to the U.S.-backed government.
Security officials say at least 11 people...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
SYDNEY, Australia - Australia is investigating allegations that its soldiers mistreated suspected insurgents in prison in Afghanistan, the military said Friday.
A senior Afghan National Army commander made the allegations during a weekend...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
The global free market for food and energy is facing its biggest threat in decades as a host of countries push through draconian measures to hold down prices, raising fears of a new "resource nationalism" that could endanger world food...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
WASHINGTON — In a heated phone call with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi late last month, Hillary Clinton supporter Harvey Weinstein threatened to cut off campaign money to congressional Democrats unless Pelosi embraced a new plan by the movie...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Alla vigilia dell'insediamento di Dmitry Medvedev quale nuovo presidente della nazione, la Russia martedì ha stabilito una serie di aumenti di prezzo previsti nei prossimi quattro anni per il gas di uso domestico, l'energia elettrica e la...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Josef Fritzl has blamed the Nazis for fostering the twisted morality which led him to imprison his daughter in a cellar for 24 years
In a bizarre attempt to defend his conduct he said Hitler’s Germany had instilled “a high regard...
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"Theological amendment" ascribed to Vatican
Weeks ago, Russian media were flooded with sensational reports on seven more items allegedly added by the Holy See to the list of mortal sins The rumor contained a reference to L'Osservatore...
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Gli avevano detto che sarebbe diventato un leader. E così è stato. Gianfranco Fini è diventato presidente della Camera e Gianni Alemanno, sempre di An, sindaco di Roma. C’è chi ci crede alle profezie e chi a...
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Shortly before the convening of the one day Annapolis meeting aimed at giving a push to Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, last November, Condoleza Rice held a much smaller meeting in the state department. Huddling with the authors of a brand new book...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Il prezzo del greggio decolla come pianificato dal
Gruppo Bilderberg, ma i media ancora sostengono che esso non influenzi gli
affari mondiali.
Un rapporto del Gruppo Goldman Sachs prevede che i prezzi petroliferi raggiungano una quota...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
07/05/2008 | 1944 visite
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
An Iranian envoy said Monday his government will not submit to extensive nuclear inspections while Israel stays outside the global treaty to curb the spread of atomic weapons.
"The existing double standard shall not be tolerated anymore by...
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Il presidente dell’Associazione dei cristiani pakistani chiede al governo di riconoscere a livello diplomatico lo Stato di Israele, per un senso di giustizia e per poter permettere ai cristiani pakistani di andare in pellegrinaggio in Terra...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
WASHINGTON (Reuters): I votanti di due città del Vermont hanno approvato martedì un provvedimento che da istruzioni alla polizia perchè arresti il Presidente George W. Bush ed il Vice Presidente Dick Cheney per "crimini...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Salari aumentati dell'1,5% per aver rispettato i tetti di spesa. La Corte dei conti: parametri troppo facili.
ROMA — Se nella pubblica amministrazione il merito resta ancora un sogno, ci si accontenti almeno della...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Price of crude soars precisely as Bilderberg Group planned, but media still claims they have no influence over world affairs
A report by Goldman Sachs Group Inc. forecasts that oil prices will reach $150 to $200 dollars a barrel within 2...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
the years, I have observed this about the political economy of economy
reform in Europe: there is an inverse relationship between the number
of objectives and measures of a reform agenda and its ultimate success.
The most successful reform...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
The sands are white, the sea laps gently and crowds of bronzed Americans laze in the Caribbean sunshine.
They have a cinema, a golf course and, naturally, a gift shop stocked with mugs, jaunty T-shirts and racks of postcards showing perfect...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Lo Zimbabwe è un caso plaeteale degli effetti dell’invidia africana: hanno cacciato i bianchi dalle loro aziende agricole, se le sono prese, e non le sanno coltivare. Ora sono alla fame e si tengono il loro dittatore.
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Don't get me wrong. I haven't got it in for all senior executives and corporate board members. Some of my best friends are chief executives. Really. But I have come to wonder whether their colleagues are all quite what they are cracked up to be.
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
The year's Arab Broadcast Forum in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, will bring together a few hundred electronic and print journalists from across the Arab region. They will engage each other in a series of discussions in the...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Un istante prima di mezzanotte
Il mese scorso Cheney è stato in Arabia Saudita per un incontro ad alto livello con il Re saudita e i suoi ministri. Sabato è stato rivelato che, il Concilio saudita della Shura, il gruppo elitario a...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
The European Union will open its own embassies under a plan critics fear represents a "power grab" by Brussels officials pushing for a federal superstate
The secret plan represents the first time that full EU embassies have been...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Il governo USA ha recentemente alzato in modo crescente il tono belligerante verso l’Iran
Una serie di rapporti in vari giornali indicano che la guerra è in preparazione: il Mail Guardian 1° apr., il Rutland Herald il 4, il...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Ever since the fall of the Berlin Wall politicians and pundits have been imposing patterns on the world. The search has been for something to replace the reassuring symmetry of the cold war. This undoubtedly noble endeavour has written a lot of...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
About 10 years ago, I had lunch with some directors of C. Hoare & Co, the independent private bank, at its head office in Fleet Street. They were extremely courteous, but also rather odd: there was no sales pitch.
Bemused by my hosts'...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Crude predicted to top $200 by 2012 on tight supplies, pushing gas higher
SAN FRANCISCO - Surging crude prices, which could surpass $200 a barrel in four years on tight supplies, could push gasoline prices to as high as $7 a gallon, CIBC...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Judging from the campaign rhetoric coming out of both camps, whoever wins the Oval Office will be inclined to continue the failed military policies in Iraq and to pursue a confrontation with Iran. Apparently, it does not matter to either party...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Global warming will stop until at least 2015 because of natural variations in the climate, scientists have said
Researchers studying long-term changes in sea temperatures said they now expect a "lull" for up to a decade while natural...
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Un ebreo estremista ha rotto a Hebron la mascella di una dicianovenne svedese, che lavora per i diritti umani.
Prima, nello stesso giorno, almeno cinque palestinesi tra i quali un bambino di tre anni, sono stati feriti dagli estremisti...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
The US government has recently increased the belligerence of its tone towards Iran
A string of reports in a variety of newspapers suggest war is on the way: the Mail & Guardian April 1, the Rutland Herald April 4, the Telegraph April 7, the...
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A LEADING scientist has warned a new species of "humanzee," created from breeding apes with humans, could become a reality unless the government acts to stop scientists experimenting.
In an interview with The Scotsman, Dr Calum...
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