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Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : PressTV
Zbigniew Brzezinski, a former national security advisor, has warned that the US could witness riots if economy continues its downward spiral. "There's going to be growing conflict between the classes and if people are unemployed and really...
23/02/2009 | 2155 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Associated Press
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — Blackwater Worldwide is abandoning its tarnished brand name as it tries to shake a reputation battered by oft-criticized work in Iraq, renaming its family of two dozen businesses under the name Xe. The parent...
14/02/2009 | 2290 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : The Moscow Times
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso traded barbs over human rights on Friday following a day of high-level talks in Moscow. Addressing a joint news conference with a prepared speech, Barroso...
09/02/2009 | 2181 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Haaretz
Hamas should be part of the Middle East peace process, said Tony Blair, former British prime minister and envoy to the region of the international quartet of powers, in comments published on Friday. "I do think it is important that we find...
31/01/2009 | 2218 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Chicago Tribune
“Obama primo presidente ebreo”, e lo dice il giornale della sua Chicago... Writer Toni Morrison famously dubbed Bill Clinton "the first black president"—a title he fervently embraced. Abner Mikva, the Chicago...
23/01/2009 | 2311 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Le Monde
Ban Ki-moon vuole azioni giudiziarie per il bombardamento contro Onu a Gaza En visite à Gaza, où il a inspecté un des entrepôts de l'UNRWA touchés par un bombardement israélien le 15 janvier, le...
21/01/2009 | 2222 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Telegraph
Once again, Britain leads the world in the macabre speciality of saving banks The Treasury's £200bn plan to soak up toxic debt will be followed within days by a US variant from the Obama team. Germany cannot be far behind. As one...
20/01/2009 | 3622 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : InfoWar News
Attempting to capitalize on the international outrage, particularly in the Muslim world, over the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip, Osama bin Laden’s newest audio tape calls for all Muslims to launch a jihad against Israel. His speech also...
15/01/2009 | 2171 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Pakistan Daily
'The NSA's colossal Cray supercomputer, code-named the 'Black Widow,' scans millions of domestic and international phone calls and e-mails every hour. . . . The Black Widow, performing hundreds of trillions of calculations per second, searches...
09/01/2009 | 2331 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : The Age
Cronaca fedele di quello che sta accadendo a Gaza AS ISRAELI forces attacked Gaza by land, sea and air, residents living in the congested coastal strip faced a fateful question: should they flee the shelling and shooting, or hole up inside...
06/01/2009 | 2273 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : William Pfaff
Paris, December 18, 2008 -- Vice President Richard Cheney was on American television last weekend to say that he directly approved CIA torture of American prisoners, and that he favors keeping the Guantanamo prison camp open until “the end of...
23/12/2008 | 2295 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Sabbah Blog
Couple of weeks ago I mentioned the new style Israel is using to commit its war crimes. This video from Ha'aretz shows the Israeli terrorist females in action using latest Israeli weapons against Gazans - "The Seer Shoots:"  ...
19/12/2008 | 2379 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Feedbacks in the economic network can turn local crises into global ones The global economic crisis is akin to a power blackout. In both cases, a disturbance in one part of a complex “tightly coupled” system results in a cascade of...
18/12/2008 | 2266 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Al-Zaidi è talmente malridotto e sfigurato (dai mostri di Abu Ghraib e dintorni) che non possono farlo comparire in tribunale. The Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at United States President George W. Bush has appeared before a judge...
18/12/2008 | 2203 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
For the first time in my life, I am starting to feel twinges of anti-German sentiment, writes Ambrose Evans-Pritchard. This does not come naturally. My father insisted on German au pair girls during my childhood as his gesture towards post-War...
16/12/2008 | 2276 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Russia Today
Police in Moscow are investigating the gruesome discovery of five dead babies in a rubbish bin. Medical workers are trying to determine whether they had been aborted or were still-born. The grisly find has shocked the city and once again sparked...
15/12/2008 | 2351 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Telegraph
Il "cristiano rinato" si strappa la maschera. Eppure aveva detto che Dio gli aveva consigliato di attaccare l’Iraq. US President George W Bush has said that the Bible is "probably not" literally true and that a belief...
11/12/2008 | 2237 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Telegraph
The City of London has suffered a dramatic collapse in its core business as global lending falls at the steepest rate since records began, according to new figures from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). Cross-border loans worldwide...
09/12/2008 | 2299 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : The Register
Italian president and media baron Silvio Berlusconi said today that he would use his country's imminent presidency of the G8 group to push for an international agreement to "regulate the internet". Speaking to Italian postal workers,...
05/12/2008 | 2357 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Franz Alt
Brazil’s President Lula da Silva said: “I am offended when fingers which are dirty from oil and coal are pointed at clean biofuel.” The man is right. And many German critics of bioenergy are wrong. The campaign against...
02/12/2008 | 2252 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : The Moscow Times
The government will spend 1 trillion rubles next year from its financial safety cushion, the Reserve Fund, as a result of the global economic crisis, Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin said Wednesday. The figure, equal to about $36 billion, would...
27/11/2008 | 2179 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : WSJ.com
RAMAT GAN, Israel -- The global quest to ferret out money and property left behind by Jews killed in the Holocaust is now targeting Israel, and investigators say it's proving at least as difficult in the Jewish state as it did in Europe. Many...
14/11/2008 | 2431 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Times online
Ever since he was allowed to return to work on a Beijing building site after the Olympics, Zhou Shouheng has been nervous. He is still employed but some of his fellow migrant workers from the villages of Henan have been less fortunate, and he...
10/11/2008 | 2223 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Reuters
LONDRA - La crisi finanziaria internazionale ha dato ai leader mondiali un'opportunità unica per creare una società davvero globale, questo è quello che dirà Lunedì il primo ministro Gordon Brown in un intervento...
10/11/2008 | 2157 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Telegraph
The paralysing wait between the election of Franklin Roosevelt in 1932 and his inauguration four months later was the most dangerous point of the Great Depression. It saw policy drift in Washington and the era's last disastrous wave of bank...
06/11/2008 | 2332 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore :
04/11/2008 | 2542 visite

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Corriere.it
«I progressi della scienza ci fanno sperare in una nuova era: una vita più lunga è un obiettivo raggiungibile» MILANO - Fosse nato prima del Diluvio universale, Silvio Berlusconi avrebbe rinvenuto con assoluto agio...
03/11/2008 | 2363 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Guardian
Bush, adesso, ha tre lunghi mesi di irresponsabilità totale, la transition. Può fare quel che vuole. The raid on Syria is a dark portent. The current president has three long, unaccountable months to cement his legacy We...
30/10/2008 | 2269 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : The Moscow Times
Several metals and mining companies have stopped paying their electricity bills, threatening winter heating and electricity supplies for households, the head of the country's biggest private electricity producer said in an interview Wednesday. ...
23/10/2008 | 2316 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Global Research
What’s clear from the behavior of European financial markets over the past two weeks is that the dramatic stories of financial meltdown and panic are deliberately being used by certain influential factions in and outside the EU to shape the...
15/10/2008 | 2338 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : The Swamp
14/10/2008 | 2994 visite

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Spiegel online
Polls show that most Italians are squarely behind Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. But since he re-took the reins in Rome, Il Cavaliere has made few difficult decisions. That will soon change. It's nice to see heads of government in a good...
11/10/2008 | 2306 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Times online
Britain's banking system is less financially sound than banks in Botswana – or even Iceland – according to a survey of business opinion carried out for the World Economic Forum. Business leaders in Britain rated UK banks a mere 44th...
11/10/2008 | 2351 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Telegraph
Japan’s 1990s banking crisis offers the solution to our woes, says Bill Emmott We are in an era of globalisation, we are told, of flat, inter-connected worlds. Yet the response in the US Congress to the Treasury’s proposed $700...
05/10/2008 | 2304 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Russia Today
The $700 Bln bailout is not about US cash. The U.S. is a debtor nation. The cash for the bailout has to be borrowed, primarily from the Japanese and Chinese According to one person I've spoken to who knows the top Japan and China banking...
03/10/2008 | 2172 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Times online
Britain’s Ambassador to Afghanistan has stoked opposition to the allied operation there by reportedly saying that the campaign against the Taleban insurgents would fail and that the best hope was to install an acceptable dictator in Kabul. ...
02/10/2008 | 2142 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Armytimes
3rd Infantry’s 1st BCT trains for a new dwell-time mission. Helping ‘people at home’ may become a permanent part of the active Army The 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team has spent 35 of the last 60 months...
24/09/2008 | 2138 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : John Laughland
Gianni Alemanno, il sindaco di Roma, è finito nei pasticci un’altra volta per aver fatto osservazioni che sono state interpretate come filo-fasciste . Poco dopo la sua ascesa al Campidoglio, a maggio, Alemanno fu beccato da un...
18/09/2008 | 1955 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Press TV
Joe Biden, candidato vicepresidente per i Democratici alle prossime presidenziali, ha detto che Israele può intraprendere qualsiasi azione voglia contro Israele senza dover chiedere il premesso a Washington. "Israele ha il diritto...
05/09/2008 | 1809 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : YNetNews
Democratic vice presidential candidate addresses Jewish pensioners near Miami, declares Jewish state's security to improve if Obama is elected president WASHINGTON – Senator Joe Biden, the Democratic vice presidential candidate,...
04/09/2008 | 1778 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Regnum.ru
Warships of Russia's Black Sea Fleet continue to carry out duty of maintaining security near Abkhazia's coastline, REGNUM correspondent cites Colonel General Anatoly Nogovitsyn, Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces to state at a...
29/08/2008 | 1602 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : YNetNews
Barack Obama's new running mate praises Israel In 2007 interview with 'Shalom TV'   WASHINGTON – Senator Joe Biden, who was chosen by Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama to be his running mate in the upcoming US elections,...
24/08/2008 | 1663 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Kremlin.ru
PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA DMITRY MEDVEDEV: Good afternoon, Alexander Nikolayevich, I have two main questions. First, the holiday season is coming to a close. Of course, there is still some time left and many of our citizens might still make use of...
23/08/2008 | 1924 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Kremlin.ru
21/08/2008 | 1662 visite

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Telegraph
15/08/2008 | 1981 visite

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
The first half of the year is over, and now all those brokerage accounts and retirement accounts will be sending out statements to hapless account holders, and it is bad news in spades. This is why (I assume) the Plunge Protection Team (composed of...
04/07/2008 | 1492 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
03/07/2008 | 1460 visite

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Times online
01/07/2008 | 1566 visite

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Jerusalem Post
 What the heck is going on at Haaretz? If you believe some of the things being written about the paper on media Web sites here and abroad, it is nothing less than a political purge, a putsch, a deliberate weeding out of regular voices deemed...
29/06/2008 | 1575 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Daily Express
29/06/2008 | 1654 visite

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