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La voce del padrone. Cohn-Bendit ordina: “Gli svizzeri devono rivotare”. La stessa “Europa” che impone all’Italia di togliere i crocifissi dalle aule, vuole che la Svizzera si riempia di minareti.
Le Temps :...
Articoli / Traduzioni
Domestic policies such as health care reform and financial regulation are dominating Congress’ legislative agenda this year.
But on Wednesday, the House of Representatives approved a
non-binding measure denouncing a United Nations inquiry...
Articoli / Traduzioni
ll ministero del Tesoro americano ha invitato otto bloggers a discutere... La Rete si sta facendo ascolatre (in USA almeno)
The Treasury invited a small group of bloggers for a “discussion” with senior officials on Monday....
Articoli / Traduzioni
Troppo vicino a Hegel e Heidegger, troppo «relativista»... Il dibattito sulla piena ortodossia del grande teologo riprende quota grazie a riletture globali del suo pensiero.
Ci sono fiumi carsici che scorrono a lungo prima di...
Articoli / Traduzioni
Fascisti pro gay
Il no alla legge sull'omofobia si è consumato in un clima da caccia alle streghe. Ma così ci allontaniamo dall'Europa
E' giunta l'ora che il Popolo della libertà affronti fino in fondo la questione dei...
Articoli / Traduzioni
29/09/2009 | 1127 visite
Articoli / Traduzioni
On September 24th, U.S. President Barack Obama will preside over a U.N.
Security Council session on nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament.
In March 2010, Moscow will host a Global Nuclear Summit that the U.S.
has agreed to attend.
Articoli / Traduzioni
Negli anni, molti a Medjugorje dicono di aver trovato la pace nell’anima, molti di aver trovato consolazione, altri dicono di aver visto migliorare la loro salute, altri dicono di non aver trovato che un semplice posto come ce ne sono altri....
Articoli / Traduzioni
(CNN) - Could George W. Bush or some of his top aides end up behind bars?
It's extremely unlikely, but the Obama administration is taking its
first steps along a path that could lead in that direction, with the
investigation of...
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The Wayne Madsen Report says that the CIA used Blackwater linked mercenaries as journalists in order to gather intelligence. Allegedly, two people working as sub-contractors to the CIA had significant links to Blackwater’s operations in...
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Afghanistan's presidential election has been beset by fraud and corruption, a BBC investigation suggests
Voting cards are being sold openly and candidates have been offering thousands of dollars in bribes for votes.
The findings came as...
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In Francia raddoppiano le linee ad alta velocità
L'objectif est fixé : le réseau ferroviaire à grande vitesse devrait être doublé d'ici à 2020. Pour y parvenir, il faudra lancer...
Articoli / Traduzioni
BEIJING - The town of Ziketan in northwest China's Qinghai province has been quarantined following a man's death from pneumonic plague, state media reported.
Official news agency Xinhua quoted local health officials as saying a 32-year-old...
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The source of at least some of the millions of dollars involved in alleged money-laundering by five of the rabbis arrested last week came from Israeli sources, The Jerusalem Post has learned.
According to court documents obtained by the Post,...
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The State Prosecution said Tuesday that it was dropping charges against a resident of Kiryat Arba who was caught on film shooting at two Palestinians in the West Bank last December.
The prosecution said it made the decision not to try Ze'ev...
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Il 19 maggio scorso c’è stata questa conferenza a Washington, sotto gli auspici del National Endowment for Democracy...e un mese dopo, ecco i disordini degli uiguri (che hanno le loro ragioni peraltro)
The World Uyhgur Congress...
Articoli / Traduzioni
While US tries to inject purpose into meeting, Italy is lambasted for poor planning and reneging on overseas aid commitments
Preparations for Wednesday's G8 summit in the Italian mountain town of L'Aquila have been so chaotic there is growing...
Articoli / Traduzioni
Palazzo Madama, nel bilancio case ad ex parlamentari
ROMA — Imbottire le strade del centro storico diRoma, magaril'isola pedonale tra Palazzo Madama e il Pantheon, con una bella sfilza di posti auto riservati agli onorevoli senatori....
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GAZA - Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are being "treated more like animals than human beings", former U.S. president Jimmy Carter said on Tuesday.
On a visit to the enclave, he condemned Israel's January bombardment of Gaza and its...
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La Cina si accaparra il 97 per cento dei metalli rari... servono per nuove tecnologie, auto “verdi”, eccetera
China has cornered 97% of the world market for rare earth metals, according to Byron King (the Times Online puts the...
Articoli / Traduzioni
China has cornered 97% of the world market for rare earth metals, according to Byron King (the Times Online puts the number at 95%, and the Financial Times puts the number at "over 90%").
What are rare earth metals? Most people define...
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Dishonoring Christian religious symbols is an old religious duty in Judaism. Spitting on the cross, an especially on the Crucifix, and spitting when a Jew passes a church, have been obligatory from around AD 200 for pious Jews. In the past, when the...
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Ecco la libertà che gli abbiamo portato
The private party of the Iraqi trade minister
It is not about corruption (as if the rest of the cabinet are not corrupt), it is about this private video.
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Last September, during the American presidential campaign, I wrote a column declaring that the United States had again invaded Cambodia, only this time “Cambodia” was Pakistan. President George W. Bush had ordered U.S. ground attacks on...
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TEL AVIV — Recalling a visit to the Auschwitz death camp, Pope Benedict XVI wound up a sometimes fraught and often politically charged trip to Israel and the West Bank on Friday with a call for peace and a plea that the Holocaust —...
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Editor’s note: These remarks were delivered to a meeting of the Texas Lyceum in Austin on April 3, at a debate between University of Texas professor James Galbraith, an Observer contributing writer, and former Majority Leader Richard Armey,...
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La Putain de la Republique....
Hundreds of 'highly intimate' images of the French president's wife and her
former lover have been stolen during a burglary.
The photographs and videos of Carla Bruni, who is on an official trip...
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China is really looking at a lot of other options to get away from the U.S. dollar. The latest report is that it has been building huge gold reserves. There is no doubt that China wants to get out and away from the U.S. dollar now. We have heard...
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SHANGHAI/BEIJING - China revealed on Friday that it had secretly raised its gold reserves by three-quarters since 2003, increasing its holdings to 1,054 tonnes - or a pot worth about US$30.9-billion - and confirming years of speculation it had been...
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More than a year and a half has passed since Benedict’s Letter to the Catholic Church in the People‘s Republic of China was signed. In it, he effectively asked China’s loyal and long-suffering underground Catholic Church to...
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Only some of the secrets of US ‘ghost’ prisons have been revealed
THE CIA fears some of its operatives could face prosecution for torturing high-level terrorist suspects, despite President Barack Obama’s promise of legal...
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Kingston NY -- Tassati a morte, arrabbiati coi salvataggi del governo, offesi dall'avidità di Wall Street e pieni di amaro risentimento verso un sistema che ricompensa dei ricchi immeritevoli, il pubblico americano è pronto alla...
Articoli / Traduzioni
(WMR) -- According to senior State Department sources, a major confrontation is looming between the United States and Israel over policies ranging from Palestine to Iran.
The new Likud/Yisrael Beiteinu government of Israel is pushing an agenda...
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A small but growing number of cash-strapped communities are printing their own money.
Borrowing from a Depression-era idea, they are aiming to help consumers make ends meet and support struggling local businesses.
The systems generally work...
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Here's what surprised me the most during a weeklong vacation in Argentina and Uruguay: People seem to be following the Middle Eastern conflict in Gaza much more closely – and passionately – than in the United States.
Newspapers in...
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China’s leaders, increasingly concerned about the nation’s $740 billion of U.S. Treasuries, are making it easier for trading partners and consumers to do business in yuan.
The People’s Bank of China has agreed to provide 650...
Articoli / Traduzioni
A retired Foreign Service Officer and frequent American Diplomacy contributor who, like the subject of this essay, frequently offers “contrarian views in … glittering, memorable prose,” examines the aborted nomination of Chas...
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At the quantum level, the laws of classical physics alter in intriguing ways. In financial markets, at the derivative level, the rules of finance also operate differently.
The derivative industry’s indefatigable advocacy of credit default...
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The United States is experiencing a new kind of gold rush as many Americans are queuing up to sell their gold trinkets simply to make ends meet.
The value of gold is on the rise, and any income people can get in such a credit crisis is welcome....
Articoli / Traduzioni
A study conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has cast doubt over Israel's survival beyond the next 20 years
The CIA report predicts "an inexorable movement away from a two-state to a one-state solution, as the most viable...
Articoli / Traduzioni
Forced to withdraw, he took the Israel lobby down with him
The nixing of Charles "Chas" Freeman from a post as head of the National Intelligence Council is not, as is commonly averred, a victory for the Israel lobby. It is, instead,...
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Eurasia is currently experiencing serious problems derived from financial and economic difficulties such as unemployment, GDP negative growth, currency depreciation, overall economic slowdown and so on. Several members of both the European Union and...
Articoli / Traduzioni
12/03/2009 | 1011 visite
Articoli / Traduzioni
The call by some right wing leaders for rebellion and for the military to refuse the commander in chief’s orders is joined by Chuck Norris who claims that thousands of right wing cell groups have organized and are ready for a second American...
Articoli / Traduzioni
Il cardinale di Los Angeles che non fa entrare Williamson in nessuna delle sue chiese, è strapieno di preti sotto inchiesta per sesso... che copre.
LOS ANGELES, January 29, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Federal investigators have...
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Questo anno, John Thain ha pensato di far avere le gratifiche ai suoi ragazzi un pò in anticipo, così ha spedito alla svelta i pagamenti prima che fosse conclusa la fusione con la Bank of America. Il Procuratore Generale di New York,...
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John Thain bonused his guys a bit early this year, rushing out the payments prior to closing the merger with BofA. NY Attorney General Andrew Cuomo is on the case and found some startling facts. In this letter to Barney Frank he outlines...
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Catastrophe ! Pour une fois, depuis que le monde est monde, l'Etat d'Israël est mis en cause dans une affaire de crime contre l'humanité. C'est un magistrat espagnol qui, conformément au principe de compétence universelle...
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Former Vice President Dick Cheney warned that there is a “high probability” that terrorists will attempt a catastrophic nuclear or biological attack in coming years, and said he fears the Obama administration’s policies will make...
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Che cosa succede se i palestinesi che hanno vissuto per decenni sotto il tallone del moderno Stato di Israele discendono in realta’dagli stessi "figli di Israele" descritti nel Vecchio Testamento?
E che cosa succede se la...
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