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Pagina 9 di 15
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Telegraph
Gordon Brown has opened talks with Buckingham Palace on removing the 308-year-old law which bars members of the Royal Family from marrying Roman Catholics. Discrimination against female heirs to the throne would also be scrapped under the...
27/03/2009 | 2538 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Telegraph
Gordon Brown has opened talks with Buckingham Palace on removing the 308-year-old law which bars members of the Royal Family from marrying Roman Catholics. Discrimination against female heirs to the throne would also be scrapped under the...
27/03/2009 | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Traduzioni
Autore : Telegraph
Gordon Brown has opened talks with Buckingham Palace on removing the 308-year-old law which bars members of the Royal Family from marrying Roman Catholics. Discrimination against female heirs to the throne would also be scrapped under the...
27/03/2009 | 1815 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Gli Stati Uniti sono il più grande debitore al mondo. Il debito nazionale statunitense ha già sopravanzato la cifra di 11 trilioni di dollari al principio del 2009 e continua a crescere a valanga. Gli esperti dicono che gli USA hanno...
24/03/2009 | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Traduzioni
Gli Stati Uniti sono il più grande debitore al mondo. Il debito nazionale statunitense ha già sopravanzato la cifra di 11 trilioni di dollari al principio del 2009 e continua a crescere a valanga. Gli esperti dicono che gli USA hanno...
24/03/2009 | 1684 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Gli Stati Uniti sono il più grande debitore al mondo. Il debito nazionale statunitense ha già sopravanzato la cifra di 11 trilioni di dollari al principio del 2009 e continua a crescere a valanga. Gli esperti dicono che gli USA hanno...
24/03/2009 | 2438 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : BBC News
Growing world population will cause a "perfect storm" of food, energy and water shortages by 2030, the UK government chief scientist has warned By 2030 the demand for resources will create a crisis with dire consequences, Prof John...
22/03/2009 | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Traduzioni
Autore : BBC News
Growing world population will cause a "perfect storm" of food, energy and water shortages by 2030, the UK government chief scientist has warned By 2030 the demand for resources will create a crisis with dire consequences, Prof John...
22/03/2009 | 1733 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : BBC News
Growing world population will cause a "perfect storm" of food, energy and water shortages by 2030, the UK government chief scientist has warned By 2030 the demand for resources will create a crisis with dire consequences, Prof John...
22/03/2009 | 2483 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : IPS
RAMALLAH - In occasione dell’incontro a Istanbul di esperti ambientalisti, NGO e funzionari governativi al quinto Forum Mondiale dell’Acqua, la Commissione Internazionale della Croce Rossa (ICRC) ha richiamato l’attenzione sulla...
20/03/2009 | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Traduzioni
Autore : IPS
RAMALLAH - In occasione dell’incontro a Istanbul di esperti ambientalisti, NGO e funzionari governativi al quinto Forum Mondiale dell’Acqua, la Commissione Internazionale della Croce Rossa (ICRC) ha richiamato l’attenzione sulla...
20/03/2009 | 1708 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : IPS
RAMALLAH - In occasione dell’incontro a Istanbul di esperti ambientalisti, NGO e funzionari governativi al quinto Forum Mondiale dell’Acqua, la Commissione Internazionale della Croce Rossa (ICRC) ha richiamato l’attenzione sulla...
20/03/2009 | 2393 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Haaretz
Was it a coincidence? The day after Israel's Davis Cup tennis match in Sweden, played in a practically empty arena this week, a brief item appeared on the Haaretz Web site: Historians have discovered that Sweden, former tennis superpower, aided the...
16/03/2009 | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Traduzioni
Autore : Haaretz
Was it a coincidence? The day after Israel's Davis Cup tennis match in Sweden, played in a practically empty arena this week, a brief item appeared on the Haaretz Web site: Historians have discovered that Sweden, former tennis superpower, aided the...
16/03/2009 | 1775 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Haaretz
Was it a coincidence? The day after Israel's Davis Cup tennis match in Sweden, played in a practically empty arena this week, a brief item appeared on the Haaretz Web site: Historians have discovered that Sweden, former tennis superpower, aided the...
16/03/2009 | 2794 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / FREE
16/03/2009 | 6815 visite | 5 commenti

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Telegraph
15/03/2009 | 2495 visite

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Telegraph

Articoli / Traduzioni
Autore : Telegraph
15/03/2009 | 1701 visite

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Telegraph
Jeff Randall believes that the Prime Minister's mismanagement, which has brought us a dysfunctional state as well as financial disaster, will prove far more costly than any Ponzi scheme. What's the difference between Bernard Madoff and Gordon...
13/03/2009 | 2529 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Telegraph
Jeff Randall believes that the Prime Minister's mismanagement, which has brought us a dysfunctional state as well as financial disaster, will prove far more costly than any Ponzi scheme. What's the difference between Bernard Madoff and Gordon...
13/03/2009 | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Traduzioni
Autore : Telegraph
Jeff Randall believes that the Prime Minister's mismanagement, which has brought us a dysfunctional state as well as financial disaster, will prove far more costly than any Ponzi scheme. What's the difference between Bernard Madoff and Gordon...
13/03/2009 | 1704 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / FREE
06/03/2009 | 5128 visite | 8 commenti

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Russia Today
Italy is returning to Russia ownership of an Orthodox church in its southern city of Bari. This is seen as a goodwill gesture towards Moscow and the Orthodox faithful. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev travelled to Italy for the hand-over...
02/03/2009 | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Traduzioni
Autore : Russia Today
Italy is returning to Russia ownership of an Orthodox church in its southern city of Bari. This is seen as a goodwill gesture towards Moscow and the Orthodox faithful. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev travelled to Italy for the hand-over...
02/03/2009 | 1727 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Russia Today
Italy is returning to Russia ownership of an Orthodox church in its southern city of Bari. This is seen as a goodwill gesture towards Moscow and the Orthodox faithful. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev travelled to Italy for the hand-over...
02/03/2009 | 2369 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / FREE
Autore :
24/02/2009 | 6337 visite | 19 commenti

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Guardian
• L'indagine ordinata da Obama portata avanti da un ammiraglio USA • I reclusi necessitano di tempo per comunicare e pregare, così recita la relazione Un'indagine del Pentagono circa le condizioni a Guantanamo Bay, ordinata...
22/02/2009 | 2545 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Guardian
• L'indagine ordinata da Obama portata avanti da un ammiraglio USA • I reclusi necessitano di tempo per comunicare e pregare, così recita la relazione Un'indagine del Pentagono circa le condizioni a Guantanamo Bay, ordinata...
22/02/2009 | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Traduzioni
Autore : Guardian
• L'indagine ordinata da Obama portata avanti da un ammiraglio USA • I reclusi necessitano di tempo per comunicare e pregare, così recita la relazione Un'indagine del Pentagono circa le condizioni a Guantanamo Bay, ordinata...
22/02/2009 | 1793 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Financial Times
Goldman Sachs, Wall Street’s largest commodities dealer, yesterday told clients to bet on falling returns from commodities, including crude oil, warning that the shape of the futures curve will trigger further losses to investors in the asset...
19/02/2009 | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Traduzioni
Autore : Financial Times
Goldman Sachs, Wall Street’s largest commodities dealer, yesterday told clients to bet on falling returns from commodities, including crude oil, warning that the shape of the futures curve will trigger further losses to investors in the asset...
19/02/2009 | 1815 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Financial Times
Goldman Sachs, Wall Street’s largest commodities dealer, yesterday told clients to bet on falling returns from commodities, including crude oil, warning that the shape of the futures curve will trigger further losses to investors in the asset...
19/02/2009 | 2299 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Telegraph
Germany has acknowledged for the first time that it may have to rescue eurozone states in acute difficulties, marking a radical shift in policy by the anchor nation of Europe's monetary union. Finance minister Peer Steinbruck said it would be...
19/02/2009 | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Traduzioni
Autore : Telegraph
Germany has acknowledged for the first time that it may have to rescue eurozone states in acute difficulties, marking a radical shift in policy by the anchor nation of Europe's monetary union. Finance minister Peer Steinbruck said it would be...
19/02/2009 | 1728 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Telegraph
Germany has acknowledged for the first time that it may have to rescue eurozone states in acute difficulties, marking a radical shift in policy by the anchor nation of Europe's monetary union. Finance minister Peer Steinbruck said it would be...
19/02/2009 | 2267 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Haaretz
Impediscono pure lo sminamento... GAZA CITY - A team trained to remove and destroy unexploded ordnance has been operating in the Gaza Strip for three weeks, but its work is being held up because Israel has not approved the entry of its...
17/02/2009 | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Haaretz
Impediscono pure lo sminamento... GAZA CITY - A team trained to remove and destroy unexploded ordnance has been operating in the Gaza Strip for three weeks, but its work is being held up because Israel has not approved the entry of its...
17/02/2009 | 2398 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Traduzioni
Autore : Haaretz
Impediscono pure lo sminamento... GAZA CITY - A team trained to remove and destroy unexploded ordnance has been operating in the Gaza Strip for three weeks, but its work is being held up because Israel has not approved the entry of its...
17/02/2009 | 1768 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / FREE
Autore :
15/02/2009 | 7084 visite | 13 commenti

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : New York Times
WASHINGTON — The new director of national intelligence told Congress on Thursday that global economic turmoil and the instability it could ignite had outpaced terrorism as the most urgent threat facing the United States. The assessment...
14/02/2009 | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Traduzioni
Autore : New York Times
WASHINGTON — The new director of national intelligence told Congress on Thursday that global economic turmoil and the instability it could ignite had outpaced terrorism as the most urgent threat facing the United States. The assessment...
14/02/2009 | 1701 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : New York Times
WASHINGTON — The new director of national intelligence told Congress on Thursday that global economic turmoil and the instability it could ignite had outpaced terrorism as the most urgent threat facing the United States. The assessment...
14/02/2009 | 2335 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : InfoWars
Durante la dittatura di Adolf Hitler, ufficiali e soldati della Wehrmacht, così come i dipendenti civili, giuravano fedeltà personale ad Hitler e non alla Costituzione tedesca. Secondo Michele Chang, sembra che Obama si sia letto...
01/02/2009 | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Traduzioni
Autore : InfoWars
Durante la dittatura di Adolf Hitler, ufficiali e soldati della Wehrmacht, così come i dipendenti civili, giuravano fedeltà personale ad Hitler e non alla Costituzione tedesca. Secondo Michele Chang, sembra che Obama si sia letto...
01/02/2009 | 1704 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : InfoWars
Durante la dittatura di Adolf Hitler, ufficiali e soldati della Wehrmacht, così come i dipendenti civili, giuravano fedeltà personale ad Hitler e non alla Costituzione tedesca. Secondo Michele Chang, sembra che Obama si sia letto...
01/02/2009 | 2413 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : The Indipendent
Grieving Palestinian father says children were killed after family obeyed order from troops to leave Gaza home A Palestinian father has claimed that he saw two of his young daughters shot dead and another critically injured by an Israeli...
22/01/2009 | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : The Indipendent
Grieving Palestinian father says children were killed after family obeyed order from troops to leave Gaza home A Palestinian father has claimed that he saw two of his young daughters shot dead and another critically injured by an Israeli...
22/01/2009 | 2608 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Traduzioni
Autore : The Indipendent
Grieving Palestinian father says children were killed after family obeyed order from troops to leave Gaza home A Palestinian father has claimed that he saw two of his young daughters shot dead and another critically injured by an Israeli...
22/01/2009 | 1778 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : BBC News
Gaza: 35 mila senzatetto. 400 mila senza acqua The BBC's Aleem Maqbool views the damage in one Gaza City neighbourhood The worst-hit areas in the Gaza Strip after Israel's three-week offensive look as if they have been hit by a strong...
21/01/2009 | Leggi tutto ...

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