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Archivio Articoli Copia di Worldwide Lettera: H

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Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : The Indipendent
Indifference to criticism of the bombing and invasion of Gaza is the result of indulgence by the West When Lord Derby asked Sir Lewis Namier, the great historian of Georgian England, why he, as a Jew, didn't write Jewish history, Namier...
13/01/2009 | 2297 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Global Research
Thanks to the Mossad, Israel's "Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks", the Hamas was allowed to reinforce its presence in the occupied territories. Meanwhile, Arafat's Fatah Movement for National Liberation as well as the...
06/01/2009 | 2408 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Aztlan
LOS(T) ANGELES: Angry over the approval of a California constitutional amendment (Proposition 8) by voters that defines marriage to be only between a man and a women, homosexuals and lesbians have been taking to the streets and besieging churches...
02/01/2009 | 2405 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : AP
WASHINGTON – The terrorism threat to the United States over the next five years will be driven by instability in the Middle East and Africa, persistent challenges to border security and increasing Internet savvy, says a new intelligence...
26/12/2008 | 2357 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Climate Audit
Obviously it's impossible to avoid the old chestnuts on our TV sets these days. I saw the original version of Miracle on 34th St for the umpteenth time the other day, noticing something for the first time that is a sign of the times. The judge's...
26/12/2008 | 2375 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
A poll finds more Americans disagree with the statement that 'Jews control Hollywood.' But here's one Jew who doesn't. I have never been so upset by a poll in my life. Only 22% of Americans now believe "the movie and television industries...
21/12/2008 | 2416 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Alternet
Since Rahm Emanuel was appointed the next White House chief of staff last month, ProPublica has been retracing his previous life as an investment banker, which earned him more than $18 million in less than three years. The New York Times...
10/12/2008 | 2416 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : MarketWatch
Changes welcomed by consumer advocates; details, timing are key WASHINGTON: Cash-strapped consumers can expect a special delivery this holiday season: sweeping new rules on credit cards. Federal regulators will unveil final rules within...
08/12/2008 | 2401 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Daily Mail
MUNICH: History has condemned him as the megalomaniac who brought death and misery to millions. But for one woman, the name Adolf Hitler evokes a smile not a shudder. She is Rosa Mitterer, who worked as a maid for the Fuhrer at his...
08/12/2008 | 5170 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : New York Times
Immagina Edmud Olmert, il primo ministro israeliano uscente, che dice a Barack Obama: "Gli Stati Uniti hanno sbagliato a firmare ogni anno ad Israele un assegno in bianco; hanno sbagliato a chiudere un occhio sugli insediamenti dei coloni...
05/12/2008 | 2273 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : ECFR.eu
Next week, the European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee votes on a report on the EU’s role on the UN Human Rights Council (HRC). This comes at an embarrassing moment. The UN has been mocked for spending €18 million on a...
29/11/2008 | 2364 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : IMEMC News
The Hamas-run agriculture ministry warned today of a nutrition setback in the coastal Strip, unless the commercial crossings are reopened. In a statement, emailed to media outlets, the ministry said that the sharp shortage of cooking gas would...
22/11/2008 | 2368 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
The deeper we are stuck in our Auschwitz past, the more difficult it becomes to be free of it Reporting from Nataf, Israel -- Even today, when economic storms are shaking markets around the world, posing a threat to the stability of entire...
19/11/2008 | 2375 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Russia Today
Israel’s latest blockade against Gaza, imposed more than a week ago in retaliation for rocket attacks by Palestinian militants, is causing great suffering among ordinary people. For some it has become a struggle for life itself. About...
18/11/2008 | 2457 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
ome might see it as ironic that most of those with insights on how to cope with the sort of unraveling that is taking place now have moved on to the next life. Nonetheless, there are some people living nowadays who were around 80 or so years...
17/11/2008 | 2361 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Henry Makow
Imprigionando queste persone, Roosevelt sperava di intimidire i suoi critici più pericolosi, uomini del calibro del Colonnello Charles Lindbergh, o dei  Senatori Burton Wheeler ( Democratico del Montana ), Robert Taft ( Repubblicano...
16/11/2008 | 2396 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Henry Makow
Appena prima del suo "suicidio" nel 1955, Henry H. Klein, un Ebreo giusto, proferì queste profetiche parole : "Il Sionismo è un programma politico per la conquista del mondo... il Sionismo ha distrutto la Russia...
16/11/2008 | 2681 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : The Indipendent
Hedge fund 'masters of the universe' face Congressional grilling over their role in the global credit crunch The five best-paid hedge fund managers – who between them made $12.6bn last year, even as the financial world began to crumble...
15/11/2008 | 2329 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : The Indipendent
Benjamin Netanyahu, a front-runner for the Israeli premiership, has been severely criticised by a former Speaker of the Knesset and head of the Jewish Agency for comparing the threat posed by Iran to that of pre-war Nazi Germany. Mr Netanyahu,...
02/11/2008 | 2414 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Politicians in the United States and Britain are made to pass under the yoke of the Zionist masters who control our leading political parties.  By forcing our political leaders to accept the Zionist yoke our nations become subjugated and the...
31/10/2008 | 2408 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Global Research
The judgment of history may well be that the United States has been “taken into, and kept in, the Iraq War by a guy who is not quite right in his head,” a distinguished legal scholar says. “It may take 25 or 50 years, but it...
28/10/2008 | 2609 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Seymour Hersh found out that hundreds of Mossad foreign fighters have been in Iraq for a long time. Their specialty: car bombs, sexual torture, beheadings. These Israeli citizens came into Iraq disguised as Arab or Kurdish civilians,...
14/10/2008 | 2408 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Aviaton Week
Raytheon is kicking off a U.S. Army program to mount Joint Silent Guardian non-lethal, directed energy weapons -- with a range of more than 250 meters -- on Ford 550 commercial trucks for crowd control. The high power microwave (HPM) device...
14/10/2008 | 2348 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore :
13/10/2008 | 4464 visite

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Ma'an News
Bethlehem: Israeli Minister Ami Ayalon has been declared a persona non grata in the Netherlands, after having a case filed against him in the Dutch courts accusing him of torturing Palestinian Khalid Al-Shami during his time as head of...
08/10/2008 | 3624 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : The Nation
There are four fundamental problems with our financial system. The Paulson plan addresses only one The champagne bottle corks were popping as Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson announced his trillion-dollar bailout for the banks, buying up their...
02/10/2008 | 2455 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Israel Shamir
Instead of spelling disaster, the financial collapse offers a unique opportunity to fix all of America’s ills Seven years after 9/11, we witness another, greater and even more enjoyable collapse, that of the American financial pyramid. It...
28/09/2008 | 2405 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
It's been a quick slide from economic superpower to economic basket case It's not every day that a superpower makes a bid to transform itself into a Third World nation, and we here at the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund want to...
21/09/2008 | 2281 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Book argues that understanding impact of Israel Lobby on US policy is essential for Mideast peace   WASHINGTON - Criticizing and exposing the powerful public role of American Zionism in shaping US policy in the Middle East is the biggest...
21/08/2008 | 5621 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Ma'an News
HEBRON – Ma'an – Israeli settlers pushed 15 year-old Palestinian Hamza Abu Hattah from the roof of his Hebron home on Saturday afternoon, breaking his back. The young man was transfered from Israeli police to Palestinian police and...
03/08/2008 | 3542 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Israel Shamir
Questa è una storia che interessa ogni essere umano. Il fatto sarebbe potuto accadere ovunque, ma è successo a Gerusalemme. Sì, qui abbiamo giudei ed arabi, ma questa è una storia sugli uomini e sulle donne. Sarebbe un...
10/07/2008 | 2466 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Israel Shamir
This is a human interest story. It could have happened anywhere, but it happened in Jerusalem. Yes, we have Jews and Arabs here, but this is a story about men and women. It would make a good subject for a film, or for a novel, as it includes...
09/07/2008 | 2566 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Telegraph
09/06/2008 | 2457 visite

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Il Riformista
30/05/2008 | 2317 visite

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Reuters
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved legislation on Tuesday allowing the Justice Department to sue OPEC members for limiting oil supplies and working together to set crude prices, but the White House threatened...
21/05/2008 | 2389 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Chicago Tribune
PHILADELPHIA - Some of the fattest people in America are among the poorest. And with food prices rising, the problem is likely to get worse. Tianna Gaines, who describes herself as impoverished and obese, knows this. At 5-foot-3 and 242...
21/05/2008 | 2384 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : Reuters
Pro-government television station forced off the air BEIRUT — Hezbollah gunmen have seized nearly all of the Lebanese capital's Muslim sector from forces loyal to the U.S.-backed government. Security officials say at least 11 people...
10/05/2008 | 2703 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
GAZA: SAFA ABU SEIF, 12, was fatally wounded as she stood in an upstairs room of her home in the Gaza City district of Jabaliya 10 days ago. She was one of 27 children identified by United Nations staff among the 107 Palestinians who were killed...
14/03/2008 | 5417 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Never Write "Murder" or "Palestine" A year ago I applied for the job of Occupied Territories correspondent at Ma’ariv, an Israeli newspaper. I speak Arabic and have taught in Palestinian schools and taken part in...
14/03/2008 | 2820 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : by Ali Abunimah
24/02/2008 | 3353 visite

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Mossad, Israel's military intelligence agency, infiltrated the most sensitive computer networks in the United States through a little start-up company known as Ptech, in Quincy, Massachusetts. Most notably, it was this infiltration that allowed...
21/02/2008 | 4679 visite | Leggi tutto ...

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