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Ma "dopo Auschwitz" sono di nuovo il popolo eletto
Anche contro il parere degli Stati Uniti
(ANSA) - TEL AVIV, 4 MAG - Due terzi degli israeliani sono favorevoli a un attacco della loro aviazione contro le infrastrutture nucleari...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
La crisi? Per molti, non per tutti. Non è solo la casta a fregarsene.
NAPLES – While businesses around the world are hunkering down for survival, the Italian mob is living a golden moment.
Italy's various organized crime...
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Soprattutto, non correre rischi: non è questo il messaggio del Crocifisso?
Il quotidiano Haaretz: «Estremisti islamici potrebbero organizzare proteste
o anche attaccare il Pontefice»
TEL AVIV - Nella prossima visita a...
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April 24 (Bloomberg) -- Executives and insiders at U.S. companies are taking advantage of the steepest stock market gains since 1938 to unload shares at the fastest pace since the start of the bear market.
Gap Inc.’s founding family sold...
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Brushing aside international criticism, Israel demolished a Palestinian house in East Jerusalem in the latest in a series of actions that critics say is racheting up tensions in the city, harming chances for a two-state solution to the...
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Worldwide losses tied to distressed loans and securitized assets may reach $4.1 trillion by the end of 2010 as the recession and credit crisis exact a higher toll on financial institutions, the International Monetary Fund said.
Banks will...
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study shows that Roman-era Diaspora did not happen as commonly understood in
The founding narrative of the
modern State of Israel was born from the words of Moses in the Old Testament,
that God...
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Put bluntly, Ireland is being forced to roll back the welfare state and tighten fiscal policy in the midst of a savage economic contraction in order to uphold the deflation orthodoxies of Europe's monetary union.
If Ireland still controlled...
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The Washington Post has finally acknowledged—albeit buried in an “analysis” on its back pages—the explosive and little-known point first made by American Free Press as long ago as Oct. 29, 2001 (and later on July 8, 2002 and...
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By inviting Barack Obama to deliver the commencement address and receive an honorary degree at Notre Dame, the Rev. John Jenkins has polarized the Catholic community nationwide -- and raised a question. What does it mean to be a Catholic university...
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Just a few days after ruling to force Palestinian homeowner Darwish Hijazi off his land to allow Israeli expansion in his home and property, the Israeli high court has issued a ruling on the cases of two more families who challenged the Israeli...
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Extremist Israeli settlers attacked houses and property of Palestinians in Al-Khalil, south West Bank, Palestinian eyewitnesses Sunday said.
Scores of radical settlers attempted to confiscate the residences of Al-Rajbi family once again, after...
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Le due donne ministro cancellate dalla foto ufficiale pubblicata su 2 quotidiani ebraico-fondamentalisti
MILANO - Sono solo due su trenta le donne ministro nel nuovo governo di Benyamin Netanyahu: Limor Livnat alla Cultura e allo Sport, e Sofa...
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Netanyahu and Lieberman are already thumbing their noses at Obama. Will he have the courage to stand up for U.S. interests?
There's a reason no one has ever accused Israeli leaders of being shy. When U.S. President Barack Obama appointed Sen....
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One of the important, even historic, changes taking place in the United States these days is the slow but steady erosion of the once absolute taboo to speak about the excessive influence of pro-Israeli groups in the United States. Pro-Israeli forces...
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L’ideale sionista di uno Stato ebraico impedisce ad Israeliani e Palestinesi di vivere in pace
E’ difficile da credere ora, ma nel 1944, sei anni dopo la Notte dei Cristalli, Lessing J. Rosenwald, il Presidente dell’American...
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There are fears that after becoming independent, Bosnia-Herzegovina is becoming a breeding ground for Islamic fundamentalism. Many of the biggest terrorist attacks of recent years have links to the country.
At least two of the 9/11 hijackers...
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It is said to be the most impregnable vault on Earth: built out of granite, sealed behind a 22-tonne door, located on a US military base and watched over day and night by army units with tanks, heavy artillery and Apache helicopter gunships at their...
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Israele ha ammesso di aver sviluppato un vaccino per l’antrace nel corso di un progetto di ricerca segreto che prevedeva dei tests su membri dell’esercito inconsapevoli.
Lo scorso mercoledì il Ministero della Difesa...
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Testimony from Israeli soldiers, as well as human rights groups and U.N. investigators, is bolstering claims made by Palestinian witnesses that the Israeli army needlessly killed and wounded civilians...
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Le autorità di Khartoum avevano accusato gli americani, la tv Usa sostiene la pista israeliana WASHINGTON – Intrigo
internazionale in Sudan. Durante la crisi di Gaza, misteriosi caccia
hanno individuato e distrutto sul territorio...
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Immagine delle spese USA per salvare la banche... 12 trilioni stanziato, 3 già spesi.
Since the beginning of the financial crisis, nearly $12 trillion was allocated in programs affecting the financial services...
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A Fateful Sentence
The most important sentence written in Israel this week was lost in the general tumult of exciting events.
Really exciting: In a final act of villainy, typical of his whole tenure as Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert abandoned...
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What shock, what consternation. Haaretz revealed grave accounts by officers and soldiers describing the killing of innocent Palestinian civilians during the war in Gaza. The Israel Defense Forces Spokesman was quick to respond that the IDF had no...
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Israel's army has condemned t-shirts made by soldiers that depict violence against Palestinians, the Associated Press reports.
The army has condemned troops who ordered t-shirts to celebrate the end of basic training and other military courses,...
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I rapporti dei Servizi Segreti russi riferiscono oggi che il subentrante Primo Ministro dell'ala destra Benjamin Netanyahu ha 'ordinato' al Presidente Obama di liberare Bernard Madoff - il discreditato investitore di Wall Street - pena il 'rischio...
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JERUSALEM – Based on testimony from Israeli soldiers who took part in the recent war in Gaza, Israel is being confronted directly with the serious charge that permissive rules of engagement allowed for the killing of Palestinian civilians and...
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Dichiarazioni di un diplomatico ai parlamentari britannici
Un ex diplomatico, al centro degli eventi nella corsa alla guerra contro l’Iraq, ha rivelato ieri che il governo ha una “traccia cartacea” che potrebbe portare alla...
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Uzi Arad, who is expected to serve as national security adviser in the next Israeli government, has been barred from entering the United States for nearly two years on the grounds that he is an intelligence risk.
Mr. Arad, a former member and...
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21/03/2009 | 1334 visite
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20/03/2009 | 1340 visite
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During Operation Cast Lead, Israeli forces killed Palestinian civilians under permissive rules of engagement and intentionally destroyed their property, say soldiers who fought in the offensive.
The soldiers are graduates of the Yitzhak Rabin...
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Dalla riposta testuale del Papa risulta evidente la vergognosa strumentalizzazione che e' stata fatta delle sue parole e l'inqualificabile linciaggio mediatico, impregnato di ideologia e pregiudizio, che ne e' seguito:
Questa è la...
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The Israeli army has been forced to open an investigation into the conduct of its troops in Gaza after damning testimony from its own front line soldiers revealed the killing of civilians and rules of engagement so lax that one combatant said that...
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La prova di Charles Freeman ed il declino della potenza americana
“Non credo che il NIC avrebbe potuto lavorare efficacemente mentre il suo presidente fosse stato bersaglio costante di persone senza scrupoli con una lealtà...
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"I do not believe the National Intelligence Council could function effectively while its chair was under constant attack by unscrupulous people with a passionate attachment to the views of a political faction in a foreign country.
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Or Killing a Chicken to Scare the Monkeys
Is the Israel lobby in Washington an all-powerful force? Or is it, perhaps, running scared?
Judging by the outcome of the Charles W. ("Chas") Freeman affair this week, it might seem as if...
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• Con la globalizzazione, mentre cresceva la forza del mercato, decresceva simmetricamente la forza dello Stato
• II fatto disastroso è che nell'ultimo decennio il pendolo, certo più altrove che in Italia, è uscito...
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Lesbica insemina la compagna con lo sperma del fratello... le nuove famiglie
PITTSFIELD — A woman who allegedly intended to artificially inseminate her wife with her brother's semen has been charged with domestic assault and battery.
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A former member of an Israeli assassination squad has broken his silence for the first time. He spoke to Donald Macintyre
The Israeli military's policy of targeted killings has been described from the inside for the first time. In an interview...
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The withdrawal of a senior intelligence adviser after an online campaign to prevent him from taking office has ignited a debate over whether powerful pro-Israel lobbying interests are exercising outsize influence over who serves in the Obama...
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E c’è di peggio. La Germania ricorre ai tribunali di tutto il mondo e chiede l’estradizione di chiunque affermi pubblicamente che meno di sei milioni di ebrei siano stati sottoposti alla “soluzione finale” e che le...
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Saprete ormai da tempo che c’è già abbastanza malvagità in giro, ma qualcosa di immensamente malvagio sta strisciando nel mondo di cui io devo ancora parlarvi. Sono spinto a ciò da una recente affermazione di...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
09/03/2009 | 1663 visite
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Russia's transfer of its S-300 air-defense systems to Iran would be the trigger point for Israel to take Iran to war, says a US think-tank.
As Iran's quest to obtain the sophisticated Russian-made anti-aircraft missile system S-300 continues to...
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07/03/2009 | 1449 visite
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
A Teheran Conferenza pro-Palestina: «L'unica soluzione è la Jihad». Affondo su Obama: «Sbaglia come Bush»
TEHERAN - No a qualsiasi trattativa fra palestinesi e israeliani, l'Olocausto è stato solo «un...
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As a US citizen, I am personally responsible for the worldwide murders of 200,000+ people…Every Day. Commonly labeled as “Excess Deaths” (just as starving people are said to be “Food Deficient”); the truth would have...
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L'ex vice di Saddam giudicato innocente per le stragi del '99. Terza condanna a morte per «Alì il chimico»
BAGDAD - Il Tribunale speciale iracheno (Tsi) ha assolto Tareq Aziz. L'ex numero due di Saddam Hussein, imputato in...
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Interpol begins studying Iran's request for the arrest of 15 senior Israeli officials over war crimes committed during the Gaza offensive.
At a news briefing on Sunday, Tehran's Public Prosecutor, Saeed Mortazavi, said that Iran had referred...
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