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Lo dicono i più importanti scienziati giapponesi (ignorati)
La principale ricerca scientifica condotta dai più qualificati accademici giapponesi giunge alla conclusione che il riscaldamento globale non è dovuto all'uomo e...
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Despite the state's formal commitment not to expand West Bank settlements, a government agency has been promoting plans over the past two years to construct thousands of housing units east of the Green Line, Haaretz has learned.
The plans,...
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Un crescendo di critiche, anche nella Chiesa
CITTA’ DEL VATICANO - Benedetto XVI denuncia «smarrimento e tempeste» all’interno della Chiesa, riafferma il primato del Papa (il cui ruolo «è stato ribadito dal...
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The Euro is eventually set to appreciate and benefit from the collapse of the Anglo-Saxon and Swiss banking system. Massive bank runs have started in the UK, Ireland and some further had been reported in the US.
In Ireland, which is a part of...
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Israel has issued a warning for hundreds of Palestinians to evacuate east Jerusalem (al-Quds) before demolishing their homes in the area.
"The owners of 80 houses in the al-Bustan neighborhood have received eviction notices saying that the...
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Iran called today for global negotiations aimed at total nuclear disarmament, saying that the elimination of atomic weapons was the only guarantee against their use or threatened use.
Alireza Moaiyeri, Iranian ambassador to the United Nations...
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TEHRAN, February 18 - Iranian scientists have developed an unmanned aerial vehicle capable of reaching Israel, an Iranian news agency said on Wednesday, citing a senior military official.
Deputy Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi made the...
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Israel is assassinating Iranian nuclear scientists as part of a covert war against the Islamic Republic's illicit weapons program, the Daily Telegraph on Tuesday quoted Western intelligence analysts as saying.
The British daily said Israel's...
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Pensate se fosse l’Iran a fare lo stesso a Israele...
Israel has launched a covert war against Iran as an alternative to direct military strikes against Tehran's nuclear programme, US intelligence sources have revealed.
It is using...
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Iran is working to home in on its military anti-aircraft command, amid threats of an Israeli air strike on the country's nuclear sites.
Air Force Chief Brigadier General Ahmad Miqani said Saturday that the Iranian military has been ordered by...
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The dollar is simply a piece of paper. Gold is a much better store of value and is the best insurance against future shocks
Last week was a bad one for bank shares; after the HBOS £8.5 billion loss, Lloyds shares fell by a third and other...
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L’Action des Citoyens pour le Désarmement Nucléaire (ACDN) a poursuivi son enquête sur les 1000 bombes guidées GBU-39 livrées à Israël par les États-Unis quelques semaines avant...
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Fiamme gigantesche riempiono tutti i 44 piani dell'edifico, ma questo rimane su, mentre poche fiamme in solo 8 piani del WTC7 hanno fatto crollare il grattacielo in soli 7 secondi, quell'11 settembre. Come può spiegarsi ciò alla...
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BUENOS AIRES - Il vescovo negazionista Richard Williamson è stato rimosso dalla direzione del seminario che dirigeva dal 2003 a La Reja, vicino Buenos Aires. Lo ha annunciato in una nota padre Christian Bouchacourt, superiore per...
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The Kyrgyzstan government’s decision to close a NATO airbase on its territory has upset Washington. Although it now needs the parliament’s and president’s approval, the closure looks a done deal.
The Manas base in Kyrgyzstan...
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Delizie della globalizzazione
PARIS - It's closing time at a market in Belleville, a working-class neighborhood in Paris, and a young woman in a black parka and white cap is rummaging through the abandoned crates.
After a thorough...
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Apparently America is not becoming a banana republic quickly enough to suit some big US companies.
I heard last week that a friend's sister, 57 years old and a very long standing IBM employee, had been offered the choice of either losing her...
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Religious extremists rising through the ranks
- Extremist rabbis and their followers, bent on waging holy war against the Palestinians, are taking over the Israeli army by stealth, according to critics.
In a process one...
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Unrest brews as the government implements crisis measures to save the economy.
DUBLIN — At 2 a.m., with time for compromise running out, the Irish prime minister finally presented his emergency plan for the floundering economy to the...
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"Another Israeli spokeswoman, Tzipora Menache, stated that she was not worried about negative ramifications the Israeli onslaught on Gaza might have on the way the Obama administration would view Israel. She said 'You know very well, and the...
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Le elezioni tenutesi in Iraq la scorsa settimana, coronate da successo, hanno segnato un grande passo in avanti verso il ritiro delle truppe statunitensi. Ma diversi soldati stanno abbandonando le armi, disertando, perché credono che...
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Video dell'ambasciatore israeliano in Australia che ordina ai cameramen di smettere di filmare dopo che s’è lasciato sfuggire qualcosa sui piani contro l’Iran. “Un mese”, ha detto.
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E’ quasi un assioma della vita ebraica che chiedersi "E 'un bene per gli ebrei?" rimanga il banco di prova dell’attività ebraica pubblica. In altre parole, l'interesse domina sui principi.
Un buon...
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Il est une des figures intellectuelles les plus brillantes d'Israël. Historien, ancien étudiant de l'Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales à Paris, professeur à l'université de Tel-Aviv, Shlomo Sand, 62...
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WASHINGTON - Il candidato del Presidente Barack Obama alla direzione nazionale dei servizi segreti, giovedì scorso si è rifiutato di rispondere se le tecniche di 'annegamento simulato' (*) siano o meno tortura, creando una discrepanza...
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Israele continua ad affamare Gaza... con l’aiuto dell’Italia
Using intense diplomatic pressure over the past two days, Israeli officials blocked a French attempt to weaken Jerusalem's stance with Hamas at the pre-written closing...
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Former President Jimmy Carter said Monday that Israel will face a "catastrophe" unless it revives the Mideast peace process and establishes an independent Palestinian state.
In an interview with The Associated Press, he said Arabs...
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Where Principles Go to Die
"The evidence is sitting on the table. There is no avoiding the fact that this was torture.”
These are the words of Manfred Nowak, the UN official appointed by the Commission on Human Rights to examine...
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An Israeli professor and military historian hinted that Israel could avenge the holocaust by annihilating millions of Germans and other Europeans.
Speaking during an interview which was published in Jerusalem Friday, Professor Martin Van...
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Iceland's Minister of Commerce Bjorgvin Sigurdsson has resigned, two days after the prime minister announced his own departure due to pressures from the island nation's economic collapse.
Mr Sigurdsson, a member of Iceland's junior Social...
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Siegman, ex direttore dell’American Jewish Congress, smentisce Israele
Western governments and most of the Western media have accepted a number of Israeli claims justifying the military assault on Gaza: that Hamas consistently violated...
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RAMALLAH, West Bank: The Israeli military censor is preventing the media from identifying officers who took part in the 22-day war on Gaza and publishing information about them that may be used in legal proceedings against them when traveling...
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‘I, the LORD your God will send my terror ahead of you and throw every nation you encounter into confusion…I will drive out all these peoples before you, and you will dispossess nations larger and stronger than you. Every place you set...
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Roma - Benedetto XVI ha deciso di revocare la scomunica ai quattro vescovi consacrati da Lefebvre nel 1988. Il decreto, che il pontefice ha già firmato, sarà pubblicato entro la fine della settimana. Il superiore della...
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TEHRAN, Jan. 19 (Xinhua) -- An official of Iran's intelligence ministry counter-espionage said on Monday that Iran had discovered and dismantled a "soft overthrow" project, the official IRNA news agency reported.
The official, who was...
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Si noti la differenza di accenti rispetto alle falsità sparse in Italia da Padre Fanzaga
Fonte: Nasz Dziennik (quotidiano dell'emittente cattolica polacca "Radio Maryja") | Intervista di anna Wiejak al libero docente Adam...
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Israel has shelled Gaza with white phosphorus after it called for a unilateral ceasefire, in an obvious violation of its own declaration.
A Press TV correspondent on the ground in Gaza reported the event soon after the ceasefire the ceasefire...
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This week the death toll in Gaza passed the 1,000 mark, after nearly three weeks of Israeli air and ground attacks. But surprisingly, no one has reported an even more appalling statistic: that there are some 1.5 million injured Palestinians in Gaza....
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GAZA - La puzza, i detriti e i resti umani hanno dato il buongiorno ai
Palestinesi di Gaza, dopo un attacco missilistico israeliano, Mercoledì
mattina all'alba - ma in questo caso non è morto nessuno.
Un'enorme esplosione ha...
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Picnicking on Hill Overlooking Gaza, Israelis Engage in World's Creepiest Spectator Sport
Parash Hill, a nature reserve in southern Israel, is a great spot for a picnic. With lush green fields and a view all the way to the Mediterranean, it is...
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L’”unica democrazia del medio oriente” … un po’ meno democrazia …
By a margin of 26-3, the Israeli Central Elections Committee decided to ban the Balad Party from running in next month’s election. By...
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Le violazioni di Hamas non sono una giustificazione per le azioni di Israele
L'assalto che Israele sta dando alla Striscia di Gaza non può essere giustificato come autodifesa. Esso, piuttosto, comporta serie violazioni del diritto...
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Hamas's violations are no justification for Israel's actions
Israel's current assault on the Gaza Strip cannot be justified by self-defense. Rather, it involves serious violations of international law, including war crimes. Senior Israeli...
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Sanctions will apply to multinationals which have branches in Iran, invest in occupied Palestinian lands
TEHRAN - Iran's government has endorsed a bill that will sanction foreign companies doing business with Israel, in the face of the Jewish...
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Israele ha cercato di giustificare i suoi attacchi militari su Gaza dicendo che corrispondono a un atto di "autodifesa", come riconosciuto dall'Articolo 51 della Carta delle Nazioni Unite. Noi respingiamo categoricamente questo parere.
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Se lo dice il TIMES...
ISRAEL has sought to justify its military attacks on Gaza by stating that it amounts to an act of “self-defence” as recognised by Article 51, United Nations Charter. We categorically reject this contention.
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Writers highlight lopsided body count, scored as a macabre sports match
With nearly 800 Palestinians and 13 Israelis killed, four of the latter by so-called friendly fire, the Gaza war is no laughing matter, putting Israel's most popular comedy...
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Eccolo lì: da Gaza a Teheran, sempre guerra
Brig. Gen. Sami Turjeman is commander of the 36th Division in the Golan Heights, and is one of the most outstanding officers of his rank in the Israel Defense Forces. He is expected to be...
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09/01/2009 | 1363 visite
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Ecco la neo-Italia....
Il cerotto contraccettivo è sicuro e non fa ingrassare. Bella notizia per tutte le ragazze che pur di non rischiare la linea rischiano... gravidanze indesiderate!
Uno studio clinico recentemente pubblicato su...
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