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Pagina 271 di 282
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Q The ritual of blessing the new moon confuses me. Are we praying to the moon?- Jon L., Toronto A The ritual blessing of the new moon, colloquially known as kiddush levana (although more properly named birkat levana), developed over many...
10/03/2008 | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Traduzioni
Q The ritual of blessing the new moon confuses me. Are we praying to the moon?- Jon L., Toronto A The ritual blessing of the new moon, colloquially known as kiddush levana (although more properly named birkat levana), developed over many...
10/03/2008 | 4839 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / FREE
Autore : Dante Pastorelli
10/03/2008 | 5580 visite | 5 commenti

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
The Meaning of Gaza's 'Shoah' Nazareth: Israeli Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai’s much publicized remark last week about Gaza facing a “shoah” -- the Hebrew word for the Holocaust -- was widely assumed to be...
10/03/2008 | 2071 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
The Meaning of Gaza's 'Shoah' Nazareth: Israeli Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai’s much publicized remark last week about Gaza facing a “shoah” -- the Hebrew word for the Holocaust -- was widely assumed to be...
10/03/2008 | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Traduzioni
The Meaning of Gaza's 'Shoah' Nazareth: Israeli Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai’s much publicized remark last week about Gaza facing a “shoah” -- the Hebrew word for the Holocaust -- was widely assumed to be...
10/03/2008 | 4509 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / FREE
Autore :
La diminuzione per il prezzo del petrolio scontenta Goldman Sachs che azzarda un prossimo vertiginoso aumento. Tolto di mezzo l’ammiraglio Fallon, un attacco preventivo all’Iran potrebbe rendere felice la banca d’affari...
10/03/2008 | 7615 visite | 26 commenti | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / FREE
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Crisi sistemica: dalle famiglie rimaste senza casa, a macchia d’olio la folle finanza speculativa continua a mostrare le proprie vittime: è la volta dei baby-debitori, vittime facili di avide finanziarie del credito come...
09/03/2008 | 8055 visite | 32 commenti | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / FREE
Autore :
09/03/2008 | 5121 visite | 5 commenti

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : RTE news
The White House has said US President George W Bush will veto proposed legislation that would have banned US intelligence agents from using waterboarding and other controversial interrogation methods. Waterboarding, in which suspects are...
09/03/2008 | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : RTE news
The White House has said US President George W Bush will veto proposed legislation that would have banned US intelligence agents from using waterboarding and other controversial interrogation methods. Waterboarding, in which suspects are...
09/03/2008 | 2300 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Traduzioni
Autore : RTE news
The White House has said US President George W Bush will veto proposed legislation that would have banned US intelligence agents from using waterboarding and other controversial interrogation methods. Waterboarding, in which suspects are...
09/03/2008 | 5429 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / FREE
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Al contrario della politica fordiana in Italia quelli che producono hanno sempre meno potere d’acquisto. Ma c’e’ una variegata classe di persone e istituti che senza produrre ha sempre più soldi da spendere.
09/03/2008 | 7501 visite | 34 commenti

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : By Yossi Melman
The Bush administration is prolonging the hunting season against journalists. The latest victim is James Risen, The New York Times reporter for national security and intelligence affairs. About three months ago, a federal grand jury issued a...
08/03/2008 | 1780 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : By Yossi Melman
The Bush administration is prolonging the hunting season against journalists. The latest victim is James Risen, The New York Times reporter for national security and intelligence affairs. About three months ago, a federal grand jury issued a...
08/03/2008 | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Traduzioni
Autore : By Yossi Melman
The Bush administration is prolonging the hunting season against journalists. The latest victim is James Risen, The New York Times reporter for national security and intelligence affairs. About three months ago, a federal grand jury issued a...
08/03/2008 | 5310 visite | 82 commenti | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : By Sam Dagher

Articoli / Traduzioni
Autore : By Sam Dagher
08/03/2008 | 5522 visite

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : By Sam Dagher
08/03/2008 | 2534 visite

Articoli / FREE
Autore : Patrice Ravasi
08/03/2008 | 6888 visite

Articoli / FREE
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14 persone in 7 anni uccise dai razzi Kassam; 8 le vittime della scuola rabbinica dedita all’odio; 323 i palestinesi ammazzati negli ultimi 3 mesi, 130 negli ultimi 5 giorni. I media sono tutti per Gerusalemme. Su Gaza intanto incombe...
07/03/2008 | 8061 visite | 63 commenti | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : BBC News
A Belgian woman whose tale of survival with a pack of wolves in Nazi-occupied Europe became a hit film has revealed that she invented the story Monique De Wael, who adopted the pseudonym Misha Defonseca, also admitted that she was not Jewish. ...
07/03/2008 | 2637 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : BBC News
A Belgian woman whose tale of survival with a pack of wolves in Nazi-occupied Europe became a hit film has revealed that she invented the story Monique De Wael, who adopted the pseudonym Misha Defonseca, also admitted that she was not Jewish. ...
07/03/2008 | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Traduzioni
Autore : BBC News
A Belgian woman whose tale of survival with a pack of wolves in Nazi-occupied Europe became a hit film has revealed that she invented the story Monique De Wael, who adopted the pseudonym Misha Defonseca, also admitted that she was not Jewish. ...
07/03/2008 | 6097 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : CNN.com
TOKYO, Japan (CNN) -- The U.S. military plans to court-martial four Marines accused of raping a 19-year-old Japanese woman in Hiroshima last year, a military spokesman said on Thursday. The first of the courts-martial will begin in April,...
07/03/2008 | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Traduzioni
Autore : CNN.com
TOKYO, Japan (CNN) -- The U.S. military plans to court-martial four Marines accused of raping a 19-year-old Japanese woman in Hiroshima last year, a military spokesman said on Thursday. The first of the courts-martial will begin in April,...
07/03/2008 | 6207 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : CNN.com
TOKYO, Japan (CNN) -- The U.S. military plans to court-martial four Marines accused of raping a 19-year-old Japanese woman in Hiroshima last year, a military spokesman said on Thursday. The first of the courts-martial will begin in April,...
07/03/2008 | 1819 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / FREE
07/03/2008 | 6004 visite | 6 commenti

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
By PETER LANDESMAN August 17, 2003 Victor Bout, by most accounts the world's largest arms trafficker, had agreed to meet me in the lounge of the Renaissance Hotel in Moscow, a monolithic post-Soviet structure populated by third-tier...
07/03/2008 | 2947 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
By PETER LANDESMAN August 17, 2003 Victor Bout, by most accounts the world's largest arms trafficker, had agreed to meet me in the lounge of the Renaissance Hotel in Moscow, a monolithic post-Soviet structure populated by third-tier...
07/03/2008 | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Traduzioni
By PETER LANDESMAN August 17, 2003 Victor Bout, by most accounts the world's largest arms trafficker, had agreed to meet me in the lounge of the Renaissance Hotel in Moscow, a monolithic post-Soviet structure populated by third-tier...
07/03/2008 | 6789 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / FREE
Autore :
«L’Italia è nella peggiore condizione possibile»: i BOT italiani sono i più rischiosi d’Europa con una forbice dello 0,58% rispetto ai bund tedeschi. Gli «invisibili» tentano di aggiustare il...
07/03/2008 | 8535 visite | 32 commenti

Articoli / FREE
Autore :
Le morti sul lavoro, in diminuzione continua dal 1951, fanno strillare la sinistra contro il nuovo nemico di classe, il piccolo imprenditore; gli statali al contrario vengono ben protetti. «Questo governo è il più ostile...
06/03/2008 | 8007 visite | 78 commenti | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / FREE
Autore : Papa Pio XI
06/03/2008 | 4156 visite

Articoli / FREE
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Putin come al solito è cattivo. Ma a ben guardare forse la nostra democrazia non è migliore dell’autoritarismo russo. Solo presunta la liberalità di Stati Uniti e Europa. La Russia intanto cresce.
06/03/2008 | 9452 visite | 51 commenti

Articoli / FREE
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Intervento pubblico sulla finanza speculativa che divora se stessa. Bernanke: «Rinegoziate gli interessi». L’unica soluzione per poter ripartire, un’idea semplice ma difficile da capire per gli avidi creditori
06/03/2008 | 7088 visite | 28 commenti

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
It’s odd how even the harshest dictatorships like to maintain the outward forms of democracy. Russia has just conducted an election that must have reminded some elderly voters of Soviet times: everyone knew the result in advance, but it was...
05/03/2008 | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Traduzioni
It’s odd how even the harshest dictatorships like to maintain the outward forms of democracy. Russia has just conducted an election that must have reminded some elderly voters of Soviet times: everyone knew the result in advance, but it was...
05/03/2008 | 6311 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
It’s odd how even the harshest dictatorships like to maintain the outward forms of democracy. Russia has just conducted an election that must have reminded some elderly voters of Soviet times: everyone knew the result in advance, but it was...
05/03/2008 | 2016 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / FREE
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Forti sospetti d’infiltrazione baathista nella «Awakening Councils», il gruppo sunnita formato dagli americani per combattere «Al Qaeda» in Iraq.
05/03/2008 | 5533 visite | 7 commenti

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Around 10:30pm on the night of February 28, M and his wife S spoke in low tones in a dark room dimly lit by a battery-operated lamp. They were trying to decide if it was still safe to send their children to school and decided in favor because the...
04/03/2008 | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Around 10:30pm on the night of February 28, M and his wife S spoke in low tones in a dark room dimly lit by a battery-operated lamp. They were trying to decide if it was still safe to send their children to school and decided in favor because the...
04/03/2008 | 2575 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Traduzioni
Around 10:30pm on the night of February 28, M and his wife S spoke in low tones in a dark room dimly lit by a battery-operated lamp. They were trying to decide if it was still safe to send their children to school and decided in favor because the...
04/03/2008 | 6793 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / FREE
Autore : Maurizio Blondet
«Omicidio di Stato», «responsabilità collettiva», «nuovi decreti per la sicurezza» si legge sulla solita carta stampata. Intanto aumenta l’assenteismo statale, un peso sempre più grave per le tasche dei contribuenti, soprattutto per...
04/03/2008 | 7335 visite | 58 commenti | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : By JONNY PAUL
The London-based human rights organization Amnesty International has condemned Israel's attacks on Gaza, claiming they are "being carried out with reckless disregard for civilian life." "Israeli military attacks over the past...
04/03/2008 | 2786 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Autore : By JONNY PAUL
The London-based human rights organization Amnesty International has condemned Israel's attacks on Gaza, claiming they are "being carried out with reckless disregard for civilian life." "Israeli military attacks over the past...
04/03/2008 | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / Traduzioni
Autore : By JONNY PAUL
The London-based human rights organization Amnesty International has condemned Israel's attacks on Gaza, claiming they are "being carried out with reckless disregard for civilian life." "Israeli military attacks over the past...
04/03/2008 | 7084 visite | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / FREE
Autore :
Libano, Siria, Gaza in meno di due anni; la storia israeliana fatta di morti, odio e rappresaglie genocide. Un orrore che continua incontrastato.
04/03/2008 | 8129 visite | 43 commenti

Articoli / FREE
Autore :
L’uomo è essenzialmente creato per il Mistero, per vivere del Mistero per eccellenza: Dio. La sua vita tende irresistibilmente (consciamente o inconsciamente) verso questa meta. Egli cerca di conseguirla in tutto quel che fa e vive; in...
04/03/2008 | 11232 visite | 52 commenti | Leggi tutto ...

Articoli / FREE
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Stagflazione e arretramento tecnologico l’unico risultato del liberismo terminale. Il Giappone diffida degli investimenti stranieri pericolosi in tempo di crisi.
03/03/2008 | 5926 visite | 27 commenti


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