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Beginning of Working Meeting with Governor of Krasnodar Region Alexander Tkachev

PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA DMITRY MEDVEDEV: Good afternoon, Alexander Nikolayevich,

I have two main questions. First, the holiday season is coming to a close. Of course, there is still some time left and many of our citizens might still make use of this chance. But nonetheless, I would like to hear your report on the results so far of the holiday season in Krasnodar Region, because this region really is the main holiday centre for our people. What problems do you face, and what is the outlook for the future?

The second question is also completely natural given that the harvest campaign is now underway. What is the situation? What kind of harvest can we expect, and what still needs to be done to ensure it is maintained?

GOVERNOR OF KRASNODAR REGION ALEXANDER TKACHEV: Dmitry Anatolyevich, agriculture and tourism are indeed the two main economic sectors our region has been developing very actively over the last decades. I will start with tourism.
(L’articolo è disponibile previo sostegno)


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