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Is the Euro in "danger" of becoming a new reserve currency?

The Euro is eventually set to appreciate and benefit from the collapse of the Anglo-Saxon and Swiss banking system. Massive bank runs have started in the UK, Ireland and some further had been reported in the US.

In Ireland, which is a part of the Euro zone, people withdrew reportedly more than 10 billion Euro in the last 10 days. Billions of pounds have been withdrawn from UK banks and investors are fleeing the currency. The official statement says that there is no need to worry and people most likely are changing the composition of their portfolios. In reality, investors have realized that the Pound Sterling, the Swiss Franc, the Irish banks, and eventually, the US Dollar do not promise the stability, which they promised in the past.

Besides Ireland, most parts of the Euro zone have not experienced such negative talk, yet. It appears that during the last …
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