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Israeli and US death squads infesting the world

Stuart Littlewood considers the increasing use of assassination by the US and Israel, and reports that Israeli murder squads have been authorized to enter "friendly" countries, including Britain, and kill enemies of the racist Jews-only state of Israel.

Some readers will remember the 1969 film, “The Assassination Bureau”, a tongue-in-cheek romp based on Jack London's unfinished novel. The setting is the turn of the century a hundred years ago, a fanciful time for regime change and the purging of corrupt monarchs and cruel tyrants. The bureau's hit team is for hire provided that Ivan Dragomiloff, founder and mastermind, deems the targeted killing "socially justifiable" and there’s proof of the candidate's misdeeds.

Eventually, however, the moral rectitude of the enterprise gives way to financial greed, and the day comes when the bureau accepts a mission to eradicate an unnamed but prominent public figure. The fee is …
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