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Al Gore accused of sexual assault during 2006 visit to Portland
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Al Gore accusato di aggressione sessuale. Il riscaldamento è globale.

The National Enquirer, which uncovered John Edwards' secret love child in 2009, now reports that former Vice President Al Gore was accused of sexual assault during a visit to promote climate change in Portland in 2006.

Gore was never charged with a crime, but the Enquirer reports that a 54-year-old masseuse claims the attack happened at a local upscale hotel:

No criminal charges were brought against Gore, but the Portland police prepared a document marked "Confidential Special Report" - which records the explosive allegations of "unwanted sexual contact" by Al Gore "at a local upscale hotel."

The ENQUIRER is withholding the name of the 54-year-old woman making the stunning accusations because she is potentially a sex-crime victim.

Portland police spokeswoman Detective Mary Wheat said this morning she's receiving inquires "from all over the world" regarding the matter, and said police supervisors are about to meet this morning to discuss what material, if any, is available.

Whatever that might be, it will probably be released sometime later today, Wheat says.

Source >  Oregon live

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