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AMSI Condemns threatening of the Christians
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L’Amsi, associacione dei docenti islamici (iracheni), condanna le  minacce ai cristiani. Volantini anticristiani sono stati diffusi a Mossul, e gli studiosi islamici li denunciano come  “pubblicazioni fatte per creare ul caos...a favore dell’occupazione”.

After dropping some leaflets threatening Christians Iraqis in Mosul City, the Association of Muslim Scholars in Iraq (AMSI) condemned this insidious action and distanced itself from those who stand behind this in any pretext

HEYET Net – In the press statement numbered 581 General Secretariat of AMSI clarified that these actions are not approved by Islam and its tolerant teachings as it is also incompatible with national unity.

The Association of Muslim Scholars in Iraq (AMSI) asserted that those suspicious publications made Iraqis in certain times to be cautious on the parties and others who want to create chaos and disrupt the conditions for influential parties in the region associated with the occupation, its presence.

At the statement AMSI announced that: “unfortunate news about the dropping mentioned leaflets to the region where Christian citizens live in Mosul City was including a threat to their existence and remaining them to choose three orders: Islam or jizya or murder.

With our imaan (belief) such publications do not come from a genuine Iraqi resistance to the occupation and the Association of Muslim Scholars in Iraq announce the following:

First; such acts are not approved by the Islam and its tolerant teachings under which Muslims and other religions lived in tolerance, peace and security in the history of mankind. The minorities are under this umbrella. In contrary to this; today’s politician under the occupation violated minority rights, fully canceled the article in the legislation affecting them miserable, covers only those instincts as if this country is only for them.

Second; it is inconsistent with the requirements of true national unity sought by good seekers of our people to achieve, which took off seems clear, and like many of the evil guys to achieve.

Third; it is detrimental to the genuine Iraqi resistance and its liberation project. This resistance has limited this time to expel the occupation, to liberate Iraq from its clutches and followers.

Fourth; these suspicious publications are used to made, at certain times and drops the other, to create chaos, confusion and conditions for the influential parties in the region, linked to the occupation, its presence or absence.
In any case, the Association of Muslim Scholars in Iraq keeps itself away from those who stand behind these publications, from whichever sides they were, and whatever pretext they invoked.

Finally, AMSI requests our dear Christian citizens to not weaken their moral and national position before such desperate attempts, although they were hardier and closer to their country.
AMSI prays Allah Almighty to expel the enemies of Iraqis and their deception… Indeed He is the best listener…

Source > 
newsdeskhelsinkifinland.net | oct 07

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