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Anger, blood, at scene of missile hit in Pakistan
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DAMADOLA, May 15 (Reuters): Angry residents of a village on the Afghan border stopped government officials on Thursday from approaching the ruins of a house struck by two missiles suspected to have been fired by a U.S. drone.

The missiles, which hit a house in the village of Damadola in Bajaur tribal region, killed eight people including three children and a woman on Wednesday evening, residents said. "It's barbaric", said villager Rehmatullah Khan.

"They were innocent people", he said, referring to the dead. Maulvi Omar, spokesman for Taliban militants based in Pakistan, said four of those killed were Taliban fighters and all the dead were Pakistani. A security official in the area said between six and eight people were killed and he did not rule out the possibility some of them were foreign militants.

The strike was the first since a new Pakistani government was formed about six weeks ago.

Source >  Reuters

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