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Australia probes claims soldiers abused Afghan prisoners
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SYDNEY, Australia - Australia is investigating allegations that its soldiers mistreated suspected insurgents in prison in Afghanistan, the military said Friday.

A senior Afghan National Army commander made the allegations during a weekend meeting with NATO-led International Security Assistance Force officers, the Australian Defense Force said in a statement.

An investigation was ordered by the head of Australia's military, Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston. The military would not give details of the allegations except to say they related to the treatment of four suspected insurgents.

The Australian Broadcasting Corp. reported the allegations were made by four members of the Taliban who were taken into custody after an Australian soldier was killed during an April 27 battle in the restive Uruzgan province.

"We take all of these claims very seriously and have consistently shown our willingness to be part of investigations into these matters," Maj. Gen. Michael Hindmarsh, the Australian National Commander for the Middle East, said in the statement.

"Our troops are well-versed in their procedures regarding the safe and humane treatment of detainees, and we take our legal obligations in this regard extremely seriously," the statement said.

Foreign Minister Stephen Smith told the Australian Broadcasting Corp. the outcome of the investigation would be reported to him.

Australia joined the U.S.-led campaign to unseat the Taliban regime from power in 2001, and still has about 1,000 troops in Afghanistan.

Source >  Yahoo News

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