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BP ADR Each Representing Six Ord Shs: Ownership
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Goldman Sachs ha venduto il 44% delle sue azioni BP tre settimane prima dell’esplosione della piattaforma Deepwater Horizon. Un altro caso di preveggenza paranormale, come la israeliana ZIM che sloggiò dai suoi uffici al World Trade Center nell’agosto 2001, benchè avesse pagato l’affitto fino a dicembre.

Ownership Information
Shares Outstanding .00
Institutional Ownership (%) .00
Top 10 Institutions (%) .00
Mutual Fund Ownership (%) .00
5%/Insider Ownership (%) 1.00
Float (%) .00
Ownership Activity
Description# of HoldersShares
Total Positions 1,055 355,911,936
New Positions 56 0
Soldout Positions 159 0
Net Position Change -57 2,814,394
Buyers 491 29,055,392
Sellers 548 -26,241,000
Institution Name Shs Held Shs Chg %Chg $Chg* %Out %Port Rpt Date
State Street Global Advisors (US) 43,453,340 723,669 1.7 2,843,086 0.0 0.5 03-31-10
Wellington Management Company, LLP 34,841,624 3,165,145 10.0 152,125,984 0.0 0.8 03-31-10
Barrow, Hanley, Mewhinney & Strauss, Inc. 16,700,677 2,099,861 14.4 106,698,336 0.0 2.1 03-31-10
State Farm Insurance Companies 13,052,048 0 0.0 -11,746,844 0.0 1.7 03-31-10
T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. 12,442,139 348,288 2.9 8,992,331 0.0 0.3 03-31-10
Columbia Management Advisors, LLC 11,976,119 -769,792 -6.0 -55,403,352 0.0 0.6 03-31-10
Fidelity Management & Research 7,826,686 -300,889 -3.7 -24,486,552 0.0 0.1 03-31-10
Tradewinds Global Investors, LLC 7,436,248 126,460 1.7 638,263 0.0 2.8 03-31-10
Cascade Investment, L.L.C. 7,133,000 2,500,000 54.0 138,505,296 0.0 3.3 03-31-10
Goldman Sachs Asset Management (US) 6,025,387 -4,680,822 -43.7 -276,770,112 0.0 0.4 03-31-10
PNC Wealth Management 5,407,184 -1,179,411 -17.9 -73,236,920 0.0 0.8 03-31-10
Van Kampen Asset Management 5,110,116 -32,149 -0.6 -6,462,782 0.0 0.6 03-31-10
FAF Advisors, Inc. 4,936,312 -98,593 -2.0 -10,158,117 0.0 0.9 03-31-10
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. 4,540,623 2,398,870 112.0 134,975,936 0.0 0.6 03-31-10
ClearBridge Advisors 4,427,590 393,019 9.7 18,798,480 0.0 0.5 03-31-10
*Category Headings:
Shs Held - shares held at report date
Shs Chg - position change within reporting period
%Chg - % change
$Chg - market value of the position change
%Out - % of shares outstanding
%Port - % Portfolio
Rpt Date - report date
Source >  MSN Money

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