Condoms in 'extra small' for boys age 12 set for Britain's shelves soon
Daily Mail
04 Marzo 2010
I nostri valori occidentali. Il governo svizzero fa produrre preservativi per dodicenni.
A spokesman said the UK would be ‘top priority’ if the company
expanded abroad, considering it had the highest teenage pregnancy rate
in Europe.
Nysse Norballe said: ‘At the moment we are only producing the Hotshot in Switzerland.
‘But the UK is certainly a very attractive market since there is a very high rate of underage conception.’
A standard condom has a diameter of 52mm in comparison with the Hotshot’s 45mm. Both are the same length – 190mm.
According to a study of 13 to 20-year-olds, a quarter said that a standard condom was too large.
Pannack, of teenage pregnancy charity Straight Talking Peer Education,
said: ‘We know young people are having sex and if this is what it takes
to protect them, we need to go along with it.’
By Alexandra Williams