Gore’s Manipulation Allowed By Mainstream Media Climate Change Bias – Continues With CRU
Canada Free Press
02 Dicembre 2009
“It is a characteristic of all movements and crusades that the psychopathic element rises to the top.” Robert Lindner
How much longer will Al Gore get a pass from the mainstream media? A
little bit longer if their failure to react to the devastating
revelations of files hacked from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at
the University of East Anglia is a measure. Their behavior reflects how
most, especially from the left, have abetted the scientists who
deliberately perverted climate science.
We now know Gore’s errors are based on the global warming fraud
orchestrated by a few scientists centered round Phil Jones, Director of
the CRU. Emails between those climate scientists, identified by
Professor Wegman as publishing together and peer reviewing each other’s
work disclose the complete manipulation of climate science and the
Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Bishop Hill
provides a useful summation of some of the outrageous comments and
actions. What is missing is the nasty vindictive tone that permeates
almost every item.
What are the mainstream media going to do? How can they ignore the
biggest scandal in science history and then claim any credibility? We
already have a strong indication because they either don’t cover it or
claim, like Andrew Revkin of the New York Times, there is
nothing of consequence. No surprise because he was in direct
communication with the CRU gang. Other left wing outlets have similar
reports such as the Guardian in England and Harrabin at the BBC. Delingpole at the Telegraph identifies some vapid responses.
Gore Gets a Pass
Gore appears on TV or radio programs, but with tight terms of
engagement. He appears alone, will not debate and likely defines the
pattern of questions. He has no qualifications in the subject, has
never published any peer reviewed papers, yet is given total
credibility. Indeed, he is not even asked about it. He has produced
material on climate with multiple errors but made no attempt to correct
them. He attacks with slurs and invective anyone who dares to question
his claims or the errors. Who are the flat-earthers now? He is never
asked about the money he has made exploiting the errors. He is never
asked about funding, affiliations or sponsors. He is never asked about
his unjustified condemnation of the lifestyle of citizens while his is
more profligate than theirs (carbon footprint). When asked it is
usually done to allow him to gloss over the facts.
Despite this he obtains invitations to high-rated mainstream
programs and is treated with deference and fawning attention by
supposedly unbiased hard questioning media. He’s allowed to puff, preen
and pontificate from a position of moral superiority. His recent
appearance on Larry King’s program is a perfect example of unjustified
pandering and lousy journalism.
Interviews are carefully selected to reduce any chance that he face
people who know and understand the science. It’s easily controlled on
radio or television, but meetings are a bigger problem. Keynote
speeches are relatively easy because it’s normal to have no questions.
Some groups are supposedly friendly and expect questions. Such was the
case when Gore spoke to a recent meeting of Environmental Journalists.
He expected only favorable questions. At the meeting Phelim McAleer, an
independent documentary producer, confronted Gore about inaccuracies in
“An Inconvenient Truth.” Gore dodged the question and McAleer’s microphone was disconnected when he pressed for an answer.
The media clip of the event played everywhere but apparently did
Gore little harm among mainstream media. They also avoided the real
story that Gore clearly assumed he would not be challenged. This is an
absolute condemnation of the journalistic integrity of Environmental
Journalists – punctuated by shutting down the microphone. McAleer
appears naïve about the behavior of the mainstream media despite having
witnessed the machinations within the science. He said, “What I am
surprised at is at the conference of environmental journalists, the
reactions of the journalists was to shut down the journalists and
protect the politician.”
Errors Remain Uncorrected
Gore is back on the circuit pushing his latest book, Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis.
Apparently designed for Copenhagen, it offers solutions to the
non-existent problem Gore falsely promoted. In all interviews Gore is
at his arrogant best, an attitude reflected in a quote on a page at the
start of his book. He quotes the Bible, Deuteronomy Chapter 30, Verse
19, “I’m offering you the choice of life or death. You can choose either blessings or curses.” Clearly Gore sees himself as the one offering you the choice. This is not surprising as Shakespeare said, “Even the Devil can quote the scriptures in his arguments.” In one interview about his book, “He
points to pages on the spiritual dimension of climate change, the idea
that God gave man stewardship over the earth, and that preserving it
for future generations is a sacred obligation.” But God also told us to tell the truth. Not only does Gore not tell the truth but he denies the truth. In a Newsweek interview he said, “Facts are not enough.”
The definition of delusional is, “An idiosyncratic belief or
impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what
is generally accepted as reality or rational argument.” You decide.
Unequal Treatment
People with views opposing Gore’s are rigidly held to the truth,
required to produce accurate facts and are quickly attacked for even
the slightest error. Martin Durkin’s documentary, The Great Global Warming Swindle
had one small error in the first release. It was immediately and
viciously attacked. Durkin withheld the DVD version until that was
corrected. Gore’s errors are still uncorrected and he is still training
apostles to show the movie and push his false message.
are rarely invited to mainstream media programs. When they are invited,
their qualifications are immediately questioned. The nature of their
participation in climate and publications are challenged. They’re asked
about errors they’ve reportedly made or been accused of making. Funding
and income are prime targets. Guilt by association with individuals
and groups are targeted.
Why isn’t Gore challenged in a similar fashion? Have people confused
the person with the office? He’s no longer Vice President or a
politician, yet he seems to get the privileges of the former and
allowed laxity with the truth of the latter. He was given a free pass
when he appeared before the Senate and Congress. He asked for an
unprecedented 30 minutes and then violated the rules completely
by submitting his testimony just 1 minute before his House appearance
and a few hours before the Senate hearing instead of the required 48
Gore’s Turn For the Hot Seat
It’s time he was forced to answer questions. He is a private citizen
and should be treated in the same way by the mainstream media. A court
case would confront him with questions on which he cannot prevaricate.
He’d probably decline to answer, but then he is exposed. A fraud charge
is probably the best because he is acknowledged through his Oscar and
Nobel Prize as the most renowned messenger of the scientific
falsehoods. He, more than anyone, has perpetuated the myth that CO2 is
causing climate change and falsely labeled it a pollutant. He was
involved in a meeting at the White House
in 1998 with Bill Clinton, Lord Brown of BP and Ken Lay of Enron,
apparently laid out the strategy for carbon credits. He then, by all accounts, has profited as much as anyone from the carbon credit market.
Mr. Gore quotes the Bible, he should consider a public view of his actions in light of the following; “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.” Matthew 7:15 (American Standard Bible).
Source > Canada Free Press