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IDF calls off West Bank raid due to Facebook leak
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L’esercito israeliano ha dovuto rinunciare ad un’incursione-con-retata nei Territori occupati dopo che un suo soldato ha confidato agli amici su Facebook: “Mercoledì ripuliamo Qatanah, e giovedì, se Dio vuole, siamo a casa”. Il giovanotto ha dato anche il nome della sua unità, nonchè il tempo e il luogo esatto dell’operazione programmata. Alcuni dei suoi amici  su Facebook lo hanno denunciato alle autorità militari. Mai difarsi delle amicizie di Facebook.

The Israel Defense Forces called off a raid in Palestinian territory after a soldier posted details, including the time and place, on the social networking website Facebook, Army Radio reported on Wednesday.

The soldier - since relieved of combat duty - described in a status update how his unit planned a "clean-up" arrest raid in a West Bank area, Army Radio said.

"On Wednesday we clean up Qatanah, and on Thursday, god willing, we come home," the soldier wrote on his Facebook page, refering to a West Bank village near Ramallah.

The soldier also disclosed the name of the combat unit, the place of the operation and the time it will take place. Facebook friends then reported him to military authorities.

The Israeli military spokesman's office had no immediate comment.

Israel says raids in the West Bank are aimed at detaining militants suspected of planning attacks on Israelis. Palestinian officials say the incursions undermine efforts by the Western-backed Palestinian Authority to enforce law and order in the territory.

Source >  Haaretz | mar 03

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