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India, Poland Discuss Strategic Ties
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NEW DELHI - India and Poland will attempt to set the foundation of a long-term strategic relationship during the Nov. 3-5 visit here of Polish Defense Minister Bogdan Klich, say officials in the Indian External Affairs Ministry. Areas to be discussed include the possibility of joint research, development and production of weapon systems, said a senior Indian Defence Ministry official.

Klich and his Indian counterpart, A.K. Antony, will hold formal talks during the visit, and the Polish defense minister also will meet with top officials of major state-owned Indian defense companies, including Hindustan Aeronautics, Bharat Electronics, Bharat Earth Movers and the Ordnance Factories Board, which manages the 39 Indian defense factories.

The Defence Ministry official said they are interested in Polish help to upgrade existing Russian weaponry and equipment. Bumar of Poland already is competing for India's procurement tender of 100 pieces of 155mm self-propelled guns.

A diplomat of the Polish Embassy said Poland can help upgrade, on a partnership basis, Indian T-72 tanks, BMP II infantry combat vehicles and a variety of air defense systems purchased from the former Soviet Union.

New Delhi and Warsaw signed their first memorandum of understanding on defense cooperation in February 2003, during the visit here of Polish Prime Minister Leszek Miller to India. Based on the memorandum, four meetings of a Joint Working Group between the two countries have been held to establish defense cooperation.

by vivek raghuvanshi

Source >
  Defensa News | nov 03

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