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Iran says ready to exchange nuclear fuel inside country
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L’Iran pronto a rinunciare all’arricchimento del suo uranio. Offre di scambiare tutto il suo materiale debolmente arricchito (1200 chili al 3 per cento) con uranio arricchito all’estero al 20 per cento (per usi medicali) purchè lo scambio avvenga sul suo territorio e “simultaneamente”,  come garanzia. I nostri media non lo diranno. Ma lo dice l’agenzia Xinhua, della Cina, la stessa Cina che si è opposta a nuove sanzioni “paralizzanti” contro Teheran.

-- Iran is ready to exchange 1,200 kg of low-enriched uranium in one go for nuclear fuel only inside the country, local newspaper Javan reported on Wednesday.

Javan quoted Ali Akbar Salehi, head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, as saying that Iran is willing to deliver 1,200 kg of 3.5 percent enriched uranium in order to get about 120 kg of 20 percent enriched uranium.

"We are ready to deliver the total amount of fuel in one go on condition that the exchange should take place inside Iran and simultaneously," Salehi said.

"It is important for us to swap the fuel inside the country ( since) it will guarantee that we will receive the (20 percent) fuel," he added.

He noted that it is Iran's right to enrich uranium up to 100 percent, but it is not necessary to do it at the present time.

Asked whether Iran plans to move toward higher grade of uranium enrichment in the future, Salehi said that "its probability is very weak."

It was the first time that Iran expressed readiness to exchange its 1,200 kg of low-enriched uranium in one go.

Iran said previously it would only hand over its low-enriched uranium stocks in phases.

Source >  Xinhua

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