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Iran: Diesel fuel rationed
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NCRI - Starting May 21, 2008, the Iranian regime will ration diesel fuel, the state-run news agency Fars reported Sunday.

"Diesel will only be provided to those with smart fuel cards," the report went on to say not mentioning the "rationing," which would be the purpose of using the cards.

The Iranian regime's officials have been making statements preparing the public for expanding the fuel rationing to include diesel fuel.

iran-gas station.jpg In Iran, the OPEC's second oil producer, for the first time rationed gasoline was rationed on June 26, 2007.  The sudden move sparked nationwide protest against the regime.  Demonstrators torched or damaged hundreds of gas stations in the capital, Tehran and other cities across the nation. They shouted anti-government slogans such as “Guns, tanks, fireworks; Ahmadinejad must be killed,” according to Reuters news agency from Tehran.

Not building adequate oil industry infrastructures, the regime has not been able to keep up with Iran's growing need. 

Unlike gasoline, domestic production of diesel fuel had been sufficient for domestic consumptions. Following the last year's gasoline rationing, the regime has been importing 10-12 million liters of diesel daily. Diesel fuel which is the first product next in line to crude itself had been abundantly available in the country to cover the domestic needs. However, the production no longer meets the public demand.

Source >  Ncr-iran.org

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