Iraq littered with high levels of nuclear and dioxin contamination, study finds
Bassora, Falluja, Najaf ed altri 40 siti iracheni altamente contaminati da uranio impoverito. Dopo il genocidio armeno, l’holodmor ucraino, quello di Gaza in corso, eccone un altro. Civiltà occidentale.
More than 40 sites across Iraq
are contaminated with high levels or radiation and dioxins, with three
decades of war and neglect having left environmental ruin in large
parts of the country, an official Iraqi study has found.
Areas in
and near Iraq's largest towns and cities, including Najaf, Basra and
Falluja, account for around 25% of the contaminated sites, which
appear to coincide with communities that have seen increased rates of
cancer and birth defects over the past five years. The joint study by
the environment, health and science ministries found that scrap metal
yards in and around Baghdad and Basra contain high levels of ionising
radiation, which is thought to be a legacy of depleted uranium used in
munitions during the first Gulf war and since the 2003 invasion.
environment minister, Narmin Othman, said high levels of dioxins on
agricultural lands in southern Iraq, in particular, were increasingly
thought to be a key factor in a general decline in the health of people
living in the poorest parts of the country.
Toxic zones in Iraq
"If we look at Basra, there are some heavily polluted areas there
and there are many factors contributing to it," she told the Guardian.
"First, it has been a battlefield for two wars, the Gulf war and the
Iran-Iraq war, where many kinds of bombs were used. Also, oil pipelines
were bombed and most of the contamination settled in and around Basra.
soil has ended up in people's lungs and has been on food that people
have eaten. Dioxins have been very high in those areas. All of this has
caused systemic problems on a very large scale for both ecology and
overall health."
Government study groups have recently focused on
the war-ravaged city of Falluja, west of Baghdad, where the unstable
security situation had kept scientists away ever since fierce fighting
between militants and US forces in 2004.
"We have only found one
area so far in Falluja," Othman said. "But there are other areas that
we will try to explore soon with international help."
The Guardian reported in November claims by local doctors of a massive rise in birth defects
in the city, particularly neural tube defects, which afflict the spinal
cords and brains of newborns. "We are aware of the reports, but we must
be cautious in reaching conclusions about causes," Othman said. "The
general health of the city is not good. There is no sewerage system
there and there is a lot of stagnant household waste, creating sickness
that is directly affecting genetics. We do know, however, that a lot of
depleted uranium was used there.
"We have been regulating and
monitoring this and we have been urgently trying to assemble a
database. We have had co-operation from the United Nations environment
programme and have given our reports in Geneva. We have studied 500
sites for chemicals and depleted uranium. Until now we have found 42
places that have been declared as [high risk] both from uranium and
Ten of those areas have been classified by Iraq's
nuclear decommissioning body as having high levels of radiation. They
include the sites of three former nuclear reactors at the Tuwaitha
facility – once the pride of Saddam Hussein's regime on the
south-eastern outskirts of Baghdad – as well as former research centres
around the capital that were either bombed or dismantled between the
two Gulf wars.
The head of the decommissioning body, Adnan
Jarjies, said that when inspectors from the International Atomic Energy
Agency arrived to "visit these sites, I tell them that even if we have
all the best science in the world to help us, none of them could be
considered to be clean before 2020."
Bushra Ali Ahmed, director
of the Radiation Protection Centre in Baghdad, said only 80% of Iraq
had so far been surveyed. "We have focused so far on the sites that
have been contaminated by the wars," he said. "We have further plans to
swab sites that have been destroyed by war.
"A big problem for us
is when say a tank has been destroyed and then moved, we are finding a
clear radiation trail. It takes a while to decontaminate these sites."
sites remain a prime concern. Wastelands of rusting cars and war damage
dot Baghdad and other cities between the capital and Basra, offering
unchecked access to both children and scavengers.
Othman said
Iraq's environmental degradation is being intensified by an acute
drought and water shortage across the country that has seen a 70%
decrease in the volume of water flowing through the Euphrates and
Tigris rivers.
"We can no longer in good conscience call
ourselves the land between the rivers," she said. "A lot of the water
we are getting has first been used by Turkey and Syria for power
generation. When it reaches us it is poor quality. That water which is
used for agriculture is often contaminated. We are in the midst of an
unmatched environmental disaster."
Martin Chulov in Baghdad
Source > Guardian