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Israel and the lobby against the US: A Perfect Storm in Washington
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Per la prima volta, la CNN (ed altri media ufficiali) criticano Israele

A perfect storm is brewing in Washington today. Gen. Petraeus has given many mainstream commentators cover with his comments about Israel’s actions endangering US lives around the world. It is no longer only our good friends at Mondoweiss.net: everyone from Joe Klein (Time), Roger Cohen (New York Times), Glenn Greenwald (Salon), Andrew Bacevich (Salon), Col. Pat Lang, John Mearsheimer (LRB), Jim Lobe (IPS), Stephen Walt (CNN), to Robert Dreyfuss (The Nation) is talking about it. Juan Cole has also abandoned his overly cautious approach take on the Israel lobby’s chief media doberman: Cpl. Jeffrey Goldberg. Meanwhile, the left is once again proving its irrelevance. Instead of covering the issue seriously Democracy Now! for example focused on the obligatory diplomatic niceties to dismiss the whole issue. (You can picture DN covering Caesar’s assassination and dimissing all of Mark Antony’s concerns because he called Brutus and the conspirators ‘honourable men’).

But here is the true indicator of the changing winds in Washington: even CNN is talking about it! (To be fair to Rick Sanchez, he did some courageous reporting even during the Gaza conflict, giving platform to our friend Diana Buttu to debunk Zionist hasbara).

CNN viewers: Time for the US to get tough with Israel (via Adam Horowitz)

Source > Pulsemedia

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