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Israel razes Bedouin village for seventh time
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Israeli government bulldozers raised the Bedouin town of Al-Arakib, in the Negev desert, for the seventh time in three months on Monday.

Local sources said Israeli police raided houses in the village, emptying them of residents' possessions, before demolishing the structures.

The Israeli news site Ynet reported that Israel Land Administration representatives and the security forces participated in the demolition.

Al-Arakib is one of 45 so-called unrecognized Bedouin villages in southern Israel, which have a combined population of 76,000.

These communities, some of which have existed since before the establishment of the state in 1948, receive no water, electricity, or other government services.

Israeli authorities first razed Al-Arakib in late June, returning six more times to destroy the town after residents rebuilt their homes.

Source >  Ma'an News

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