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Israeli Enemy Fears Confrontation With Hezbollah
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La razza superiore trema: Israele ha paura di Hezbollah

It’s not a statement made by a Hezbollah official or a Resistance leader or even a pro-Resistance politician in Lebanon and the Arab World…

This “confession” was delivered by Israeli analysts and broadcasted by the Israeli Television, channel 10. According to the Israeli channel, the reason is too simple: Hezbollah destruction power has caused a mutual balance of deterrence between the Resistance in Lebanon and Israeli.

Even more, the Israeli report claims that the Israeli army has given the political sector in the occupied territories the opportunity to take strategic resolutions towards Hezbollah throughout the four previous years that followed the July 2006 war against Lebanon. However, the opportunity was lost, the report admits.

That’s it…

The repercussions of the new strategic balances declared by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah last month started to emerge in the decision making process in the Zionist entity.

The report broadcasted by the Israeli Television, channel 10, emphasized that, despite the strengthening of Hezbollah power, Israel fears working against it to prevent being involved in an additional confrontation with the Resistance.

According to the report, Israel believes that Hezbollah accumulated destruction power has caused a mutual balance of deterrence between the Resistance and the Israeli enemy.

The Israeli report spoke about what it described as Hezbollah preparation for the next confrontation. The report claimed that the Resistance has deployed its strategic missile systems in Bekaa and North Lebanon and said that these missiles can threaten the center of Israel as well as the Israeli strategic installations and facilities.

In this context, Israeli military expert Alon Ben-David said that four years have passed on the end of the Second Lebanon War and the Israeli failures are still progressing. Whole noting that these years were the quietest ones at the borders with Lebanon, he said that the Israeli army has given the Israeli political level the time to take strategic decisions in the North without exerting any threat or pressure. “Yet the Israeli political leadership has lost this opportunity,” he added.

The Israeli channel pointed to the situation at the border with Lebanon and concluded that Hezbollah has replaced its announced presence in the frontiers by a secret one focusing on collecting date and observing everything happening at the Israeli side. In contrast, the report noted the Israeli army follows everything happening in Lebanon and executes a wide campaign to collect data on Hezbollah and its places of presence. “We see and feel the enemy’s preparations and we know that Hezbollah is present there and that its power is strengthening,” an Israeli army official stressed.

According to Ben-David, the Israeli army is doing its best, since the Second Lebanon war, to collect data on Hezbollah. “Today, the Israeli army has more qualitative data than in the past.

Sheikh Qassem: We Assume Israel Will Attack Lebanon One Day

Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem said on Wednesday that the Resistance party believes it should always be ready for war, assuming that the Israeli enemy will attack Lebanon “one of these days.”

Speaking to Saudi daily Al-Watan, Sheikh Qassem noted that Israel’s language is militant. “If Israel does not enter into warfare it is only because it can’t do so or its evaluation is negative,” his eminence said.

“That’s why we at Hezbollah are taking steps to prepare for a war to break out at any moment,” Sheikh Qassem pointed out.

When asked whether the armament violates UN Security Council Resolution 1701, Sheikh Qassem responded that “Israel is the one arming itself”.

“We see Resolution 1701 as obliging us not to deploy weapons south of the Litani River and maintain a peaceful atmosphere without operations. All of this is happening,” his eminence said. “We see ourselves as carrying out this resolution daily while Israel violates our airspace on a daily basis and infiltrates the border. It is the one violating Resolution 1701.”

Source >  Political Theatrics

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