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Israeli military on alert as 20,000 settlers descend on Hebron
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Hebron: Backup Israeli soldiers were called to the West Bank city of Hebron on Friday as thousands of settlers arrived to visit the Al-Ibrahimi Mosque for an annual Jewish holy feast.

But the timing of the tradition this year could escalate an already hostile environment, as soldiers were previously deployed to support police attempting to evacuate an illegal outpost within a Palestinian's home.

An Israeli high court issued the order earlier this week, but so far the Jewish settlers inside have refused to leave.

Israeli sources within the military declared a state of alert upon the arrival of the estimated 20,000 settlers from outside the city on Saturday, with plans to spend time at the Al-Ibrahimi Mosque, which was closed to Palestinians for two days in light of the festivities.

Sources inside the settlement outposts in central Hebron told Ma'an that several of the settlers planning to visit the city will not leave once the festival is over, using the holiday as a pretext for entering the city.

Extremists will attempt to prevent the Israeli military from evacuating the illegal outpost inside the Palestinian home, which belongs to the Ar-Rajabi family, according to the same settler sources.

Source >  Ma'an News | nov 22

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