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Josef Fritzl: ‘The Nazis were to blame’
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Josef Fritzl has blamed the Nazis for fostering the twisted morality which led him to imprison his daughter in a cellar for 24 years

In a bizarre attempt to defend his conduct he said Hitler’s Germany had instilled “a high regard for decency and uprightness” in him.

He claimed he had “rescued” Elisabeth, who was then 18, to keep her from “going out to seedy bars” and “drinking and smoking”.

Fritzl said he had never intended to rape her - as he was “not a man to abuse children” - but felt an “overpowering” desire for “a taste of the forbidden”.

The Austrian added he had raped her while thinking of his own “lonely” childhood and said he “wanted them [the other children] to always have someone to play with”.

He said he knew his daughter, who he described as a “superb housewife and mother” was suffering as he raped her but could not stop himself.

Fritzl also admitted incestuous feelings for his mother - who he described as “the greatest woman in the world”.

The claims came in notes written from his cell and released through Fritzl’s lawyer Rudolf Mayer, who claimed they revealed the extent of his client’s insanity.

Fritzl wrote: “I have always had high regard for decency and uprightness. I was growing up in Nazi times, when hard discipline was a very important thing.

“I belong to an old school of thinking that just does not exist today.

“I grew up in the Nazi times and that meant there needed to be control and the respect of authority. I suppose I took on some of these old values with me into later life, all subconsciously, of course.”

He claimed he kidnapped the teenage Elisabeth to keep her away from alcohol and bad company.

"When she got into puberty she stopped obeying any rules,” he said. “She was going out to seedy bars and would spend whole nights there drinking and smoking.

“I only tried to rescue her from that life. She even ran away from home twice and associated herself with some bad people that were not right for her. I would bring her back home each time, but she would run away again each time.

“I tried to rescue her from the swamp and I organised her a trainee job as a waitress, but sometimes there were days when she would not go to work.

“I was forced to act and do something about it. I had to create a place where I could keep Elisabeth separated from that world, and I was ready to use force.”

In letters written by Elisabeth, who was then 18, in the weeks before she was imprisoned, she spoke of enjoying going to nightclubs with friends and getting drunk.

She wrote to a friend about going out one weekend.

“Of course I went out on Saturday. Can you imagine how hammered I was? At first we went to a couple of clubs. At about 5am we all went to my place to get a coffee because we’d had so much fun, and they all slept at my place.

“That was a mess. It took me half a day to clean up the flat.”

It now appears that such typical behaviour was condemning her to her imprisonment.

It emerged today that Fritzl is known as 'Satan' among the other inmates of the remand jail where he is being held.

He described the complicated electronic devices used to seal the concrete walls of her underground prison and said he began building the cells in 1981 - three years before he locked her in them.

He also confirmed the lies he told to police and social workers to mask his acts and mentioned travelling hundreds of miles in order not to be recognised when he was buying groceries, medicines and clothes for Elisabeth and her children.

According to Mr Mayer, who was speaking to an Austrian magazine, Fritzl said: “I wanted to have children with her.

“I was my dream to have another normal family, in the cellar, with her as a good wife and several children.

“I knew she didn’t want me to do the things I did to her. I knew she was in pain.

“But the urge to have a taste of the forbidden was overpowering. It was an obsession.”

Fritzl locked up Elisabeth in 1984, but claims he never abused her before that, as he was “no a man to abuse children”.

He admitted he first raped her in early 1985, which continued until her release.

He said: “The urge to have sex with Elisabeth was only increasing. There was no way out; not for Elisabeth, but also not for me.

“At first I was thinking about whether I should release her. But I kept delaying that decision, for fears that I would be arrested and that my crime would be exposed to my family and to the whole world.”

He said he saw himself as a father figure to the captive family in the dungeon.

He said: “I always wanted to have many children and I dreamed about a large family since I was a little boy. I didn’t want my children to grow up alone like I did, but I wanted them to always have someone to play with.”

Fritzl admitted to having had incestuous fantasies about his mother, who is said to have been a strict woman who separated from his father in 1939 and raised their son on her own.

“She was the greatest woman in the world. She was in charge at home, but I was the only man in the house. In a way, I was like a husband to her,” he said.

“I loved her across all boundaries. I was totally in awe of her. Completely and totally in awe.

“That did not mean there was anything else between us though, there never was and there never would have been.

“I was able to keep my desires under control.”

Mr Mayer, Fritzl’s lawyer, claimed that the account proved that his client was suffering from a mental illness and was not accountable for his actions.

Mr Mayer said: “Someone who is able to imprison their own daughter in a cellar for 24 years and have children with her cannot be counted as a normal person.

“But even though the crimes of my client are monstrous, he is not a monster. He could have killed his hostages and sealed the dungeon, but he didn’t. He never intended to hurt them”

But according to police and relatives, Fritzl was a “despot”.

Austrian police spokesman Colonel Franz Polzer said: “The whole was subjected to his domineering authority. Members of the family have described him as a tyrant.”

Fritzl will go to court tomorrow where a judge will consider whether to keep him in detention as the first 14 days of investigative custody expire.

Source >  Telegraph.co.uk

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