Bloodied and dying Gazans hunt for cover
The Age
06 Gennaio 2009
Cronaca fedele di quello che sta accadendo a Gaza
AS ISRAELI forces attacked Gaza by land, sea and air, residents living in the congested coastal strip faced a fateful question: should they flee the shelling and shooting, or hole up inside their homes and hope for the best?
The five-member al-Jarou family decided to make a break for it around midday on Sunday. They abandoned their home in the Shaaf neighbourhood east of Gaza City and dashed by car to a relative's house about two kilometres away, thinking it would be safer.
For a while, it was. Then came a series of explosions. Concrete and debris hammered through the air. Hassan al-Jarou, aged 10, was struck on the head.
"I was in the house, with my uncles, my dad and my grandfather, and I saw stones flying," he said as nurses treated his injuries in …
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