Brace yourselves - George Bush will soon be free to do just what he wants
30 Ottobre 2008
Bush, adesso, ha tre lunghi mesi di irresponsabilità totale, la transition. Può fare quel che vuole.
The raid on Syria is a dark portent. The current president has three long, unaccountable months to cement his legacy
We are about to enter the twilight zone, that strange black hole in political time and space that appears no more than once every four years. It is known as the period of transition, and it starts a week from today, the time when the United States has not one president but two. One will be the president-elect, the other George Bush, in power for 12 more weeks in which he can do pretty much whatever he likes. Not only will he never again have to face voters, he won't even have to worry about damaging the prospects of his own party and its standard bearer (…
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