Bush: 100 days to the finish line
The Swamp
14 Ottobre 2008
KIAWAH ISLAND, S.C. - For President Bush, the end is near. On Sunday, he will have 100 days left in his presidency.
He warned everyone that he would be "sprinting'' to the finish, but nobody had an international financial meltdown in mind when Bush vowed that he would be working to the very end.
Bush may be down in the polls - with 25 percent public approval, his all-term low, in the latest Gallup Poll - but he still finds comfort in certain quarters. The Simpsonville Little League Softball team, the world champions, where happy to see him.
The team greeted Bush at his landing Friday night at the Charleston Air Force Base. Another couple hundred people were assembled behind a fence on the tarmac on an overcast evening at the end of a rainy day - one assumes this was the family and extended family of the 2008 World Series of Little League Softball champions.
Bush had seen some …
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