Can't smell Israel
Argue With Everyone
16 Settembre 2009
On September 24th, U.S. President Barack Obama will preside over a U.N.
Security Council session on nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament.
In March 2010, Moscow will host a Global Nuclear Summit that the U.S.
has agreed to attend.
The next six months could prove hopeful or harmful-depending on the
impact on Israel's nuclear arsenal. With U.S. backing, Tel Aviv has
thus far avoided compliance with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Treaty-joining North Korea, India and Pakistan.
President John F. Kennedy tried to stop Israel from starting a nuclear
arms race in the Middle East. In a June 1963 letter to Prime Minister
David Ben-Gurion, he insisted on proof "beyond a reasonable doubt" that
Israel was not developing nuclear weapons at its Dimona reactor
facility. Though his letter was cabled to the U.S. embassy, Ben-Gurion
resigned (citing undisclosed personal reasons) before the message could
be physically delivered.
With …
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