Eliot's waste land
by Michael Tomasky
13 Marzo 2008
He could have been America's first Jewish president. Instead, the career of New York's crime-fighting governor is being ended by a sex scandal
When the news first broke earlier today, it was vague enough - Spitzer "involved in" prostitution ring - that maybe it was possible that New York governor Eliot Spitzer could skate through.
But now, an updated version of the story on the New York Times' website - a version that adds the co-byline of the Times' great police and crime reporter Bill Rashbaum, who has crazy sources on this kind of thing - indicates that Spitzer was caught on a federal wiretap arranging to meet with a prostitute in Washington DC last month. Last month!
He's finished. He did not say outright in his brief statement, issued at around 3pm east coast time, that he'll resign. But …
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