Greene: Holocaust survival tale took in many
20 Settembre 2009
Un’altra che si è inventata il suo olocausto: ricordi vividi dei suoi 3 anni, quando fu portata a Dachau
It's sick enough that a Colorado woman seems to have posed as a Holocaust survivor. But what's almost as curious is the number of people who lined up behind her unlikely story.
RoseMarie Pence, a one-time Super 8 manager, has lived for at least five years in Longmont. She also goes by "Hannah."
For the record, I've never met the 71-year-old and, despite my attempts, can't find her since former admirers outted her as an apparent fake.
What I do know is that Windsor writer Jean Messinger was so inspired by her life that she took on the project of self-publishing Hannah's biography.
"She didn't come to me. I went to her," she says. "I felt her …
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