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How It Was Way Back When

ome might see it as ironic that most of those with insights on how to cope with the sort of unraveling that is taking place now have moved on to the next life.

Nonetheless, there are some people living nowadays who were around 80 or so years ago. Individuals who understand what it's like to live in dire poverty. Who know how to scrimp and save. Who are familiar with the social consequences of a calamitous downturn in the economy.

In "Memories of the Depression Still Sear," the Wall Street Journal speaks with a few of these old-timers about how it was way back when.

    As hard times return, witnesses to the 1930s recall lessons they learned

When the Great Depression hit, people came to the front porch of William Hague's home near Pittsburgh pleading for food. One well-dressed young woman asked Mr. Hague's mother if she would hire her for $2 a week. Why would she work for so …
(L’articolo è disponibile previo sostegno)


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