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Lebanese spy trained in Israel

Investigation with Israeli spy ring leader Ali Jarrah revealed more information about his activities. The daily Al Akbar on Tuesday said Jarrah used to travel to destinations abroad before arriving in Israel. Among those destinations he went form Lebanon to Jordan, Turkey, Greece, Cyprus, Egypt and Italy.

An Israeli agent waited for Jarrah with a passport which allowed him to enter Israel. According to the report, Jarrah and the Israeli agent traveled together to Tel Aviv where the Israeli spy spent not more than a couple of days. It said Jarrah's monthly salary continued rising until it reached between $6,000 to $7,000.

During his trips to Israel, Jarrah was trained to operate camera and tapping devices by his Moassad employers. He also received training on how to send material and use ultra modern communication system techniques.

A reliable source told to al-Akhbar that Jarrah traveled to Jordan shortly after the arrest of another …
(L’articolo è disponibile previo sostegno)


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