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Liquidity injections: I want it also!

The current wave of rises on the stock market, hectic and incredible, look really dull, like the wellness of a terminal-cancer patient when somebody offers him a miracle drug, feeling better only with the news. This miracle treatment, announced by the US power, is the Resolution Trust Corporation, an unbelievably huge scrap-yard where the government will throw out, after a discount purchase, the toxic derivatives (those which no one wants to buy today) with the hope to be able to resell them inch by inch in years to come, when (and if) there will be a recovery. It can also give a potential small margin, as some optimists say.

Because, they say, we mustn’t forget what’s behind these toxic assets (that nobody want, regardless of the price): there are real estates, homes, whose owners cannot pay the mortgage, causing a collapse of their market price. But may be, in five or ten years, they will be worth something, and – after selling them – the bail …
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