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Liquidity overdose for the credit addicted

The current rush on the stock market, hectic, incredible, contains something sinister. Is like the cancer inferm whose been offered a micracle drug, feeling better only with the news. The miracle medicin, is the Resolution Trust Corporation Act a gigantic rubbish bin where the gvernement will throw out, after a discount purchase, the toxic derivatives ( those which noone can sell today) with the hope to be able to resell them hand to mouth, in years to come, with a potential small margin, as the optimist praise.

Why the hell we forget whats behind these toxic products?. Home owners who cannot pay the mortgage, causing a real state collapse. But may be, in five or ten years, they will be worth something, and the bail out cost, collossal today, will be balanced.

It is not the first time to have Resolution Trust Corporations, they were stablished on the 1930s, during the New Deal, without any positive inffluence. The depression was sorted out by WAR.
(L’articolo è disponibile previo sostegno)


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