L’Iran ormai è fuori tiro?
26 Agosto 2010
Un amico lettore mi manda questa lettera, che traduco più sotto:
«The fueling of Iran’s reactor was on TV today, and XXX said, ‘We lost’. I asked what he meant, and he said that we are making nice because we don’t have a way to get around the Russian anti aircraft systems. His clinic takes care of US Air Force people, and they have been talking about the SA 300, and SA 400 systems. It seems that our intel has told them that either system can pick up, lock on, and destroy even stealth aircraft at 400 kilometers plus. They are seriously afraid of these systems, and say that once they have a lock they can’t be evaded. Even if there was a way to escape the SA 300/400 then they have to get past the Tor M, and it can pick …
(L’articolo è disponibile previo sostegno)