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Israeli minister openly calls for assassinating Hamas leaders
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RAMALLAH: Israeli Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz yesterday said that Israel must “stop talking and launch a personal targeted killing policy against the Hamas government.”

Mofaz told the Israeli Ynet news following renewed rocket attacks on southern Israeli communities by Palestinian armed groups that Israel “must form a plan and bring it for the Cabinet’s approval immediately.”

The Palestinian groups launched two rockets into a kibbutz in the Eshkol Regional Council yesterday. There were no injuries. In response, the Israeli Air Force attacked a rocket launching cell, killing four gunmen and injuring at least six. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting yesterday: “We are not eager to fight, but we do not fear a battle. In any event, we shall not tolerate the price the terror organizations are attempting to demand.”

When Mofaz served as Israeli Defense Forces chief of staff and defense minister, the Israeli Army made much use of the “targeted killing” method against senior Hamas activists. Yesterday, he slammed the Israeli leadership and demanded change. “There is no right way to deal with the issue of a Hamas government in Gaza. There is need for an urgent Cabinet meeting to determine our policy against the Hamas government. The current reality is that Israeli deterrence is wearing out,” he told Ynet. “It turns out that Israel’s policy — cutting the supply of goods, electricity and water, is failing to yield the desired results. Moreover, it appears that we are acting as the ones interested in a truce, not Hamas. This approach and policy is wrong.”

Mofaz said: “I don’t support reoccupying Gaza at the current time, but we must operate and deal with the Hamas leaders. Are they allowed to violate (the truce) while we are not allowed to defend our citizens against kidnappings and injuries? And when we do operate, we get a wave of Grad missiles on Ashkelon and Qassam rockets in response.”

According to the minister, “We must take a targeted killing policy against the Hamas leadership. It must be part of our overall policy, which should determine concrete actions against all the terror organizations. We must convene immediately, form a policy and bring it for the Cabinet’s approval as soon as possible”.

Source >  Arab News | nov 17

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